Wednesday, August 27, 2003

makcik cleaner

ehem...lama tak update blog ni. 'afwan sumer kalau ternanti nanti post baru (kalau ada yang menanti ^_^). kawan lately ni sebok dgn nak settle masalah nak balik msia dgn persiapan utk graduation. excited semacam. hire baju la, tempah tiket seat la, nak telepon jpa claim tiket balik la...ish ish ish. bz sungguh.

lagi satu aktiviti masa lapang ni, belajar bahasa arab dgn mandarin..kat website muntalaq. best oo. jom jom kita belajar arab dgn mandarin. kawan ada belajar japanese, french jugak tapi lain rasa dia kalau belajar arab ni. seronok dia lain skit. best best. especially kalau boleh baca article-article arab kat islamonline ke...kat aljazeera ke. fuh..memang rasa best la. jom le ramai2 belajar. hayya bil 'arabiyyah. ^_^

nak citer skit hari ni. macam biasa gi keja. pastu tengah-tengah keja tu...makcik cleaner yang keja sekali dgn kawan tu tegur kawan. "Are you in the mood today?" Kawan senyum je pandang dia pastu balas balik "maybe". hehehe. kawan malas sebenarnya nak layan makcik tu sebab dia rajin berbual...nanti tak siap keja kawan. memang lately makcik tu nampak kawan senyap + serious je. kawan bukan apa. tangan bekerja tapi otak pikir macam macam urusan yang belum selesai yang kawan nak selesaikan secepat mungkin...kalau tak, banyak problem + fitnahnye. tu yang nak balik msia tu...nak settle cepat2. kalau stay kat uk ni memang susah nak settle nye. kalau la tidak kerana kawan nak cari duit...memang dah lama kawan balik msia dah. nanti kalau tak settle urusan ni...sakit jiwa dibuatnya. ^_^

pastu agak2 kawan dah nak abis keja tu...pegi le jumpa makcik tu..nanti dia kata kita sombong lak.

makcik cleaner (mc) : what are you going to do after finishing this job
kawan (k) : i'm going back to malaysia, get a job...a proper job.
mc : yeah, you'll get a proper job. don't worry. you're still young. you should use your time to get some money...before you're old.

kawan senyum je...makcik tu sambung lagi

mc : when you're old, and you have your family, your kids, you'll enjoy the money that you earned. that is...if you get a good wife. If you get a bad wife, she's gonna cause you a lot of trouble. if she spends too much, she'll kill you. do you know that most men die because of their wives?

hehehe...tergelak pulak kawan di situ. ye ke ni makcik?

mc : if you get a good wife, she'll spend wisely, and you should thank God for that. Do you believe in God
k : yes
mc : good. Pray to God everyday. I always pray to God. asking Him to give me a good husband. You know, when i wanted to get married, i prayed to God, to seek His guidance, although I've got someone i love, i just needed some kind of assurance from God that this is the right man for me

Fuh. Terkasima jap kawan. Rupanya makcik ni pun istikharah jugak masa nak kawin dulu. Ni orang bukan Islam ni...pun istikharah jugak...and dia cakap tadi...walaupun dia minat kat org tu...tapi dia still nak tanya God dulu. tengok tu. ni org takde iman cakap ni. Kita ni patutnya lebih lagi dari kadang2 kita ni samseng skit....tak nak istikharah langsung..main langgar je sumer. takpun istikharah tapi tak caya kat result istikharah..ish ish ish.

mc : When you have your family, your wife, your don't need anything else. you've got everything you need. If you get a good wife, she won't complain if you don't have big house, big cars and everything else. You know in this life, people become greedy easily, they want everything, but they don't actually use it. For me, I'm happy with what I have, as long as I have my husband and my kids, I'm happy enough. It doesn't matter if I don't have big house, I only need my family. Even if you have so much money and other materials, if you feel sad, it's not gonna bring you any good, is it? You can't buy happiness. It's important for you to live in a surrounding where you feel happy.

Kawan pikir...hmmm...macam sama je dgn yang kawan bincang dgn someone hari tu..hmmmm.

mc : You know how old I am? I'm 42

uih..makcik tu serius nampak cam 30+. kawan pun tak sangka dia dah 40+ rupanya

k : Somebody said to me, if you're always happy, you'll look younger
mc : that's right. when you're happy, you're not thinking whether you're old or young. you just enjoy your life as it is. That's why i always cheer myself up. If you keep whining and complaining, you'll feel sad. Even if people do something bad to me, i'll always talk to know, just to keep myself and everybody happy.

mc: sometimes you need to talk a lot, so you can release something from inside your mind. at least you'll feel relief a bit...if not much. but you know, people around you can't give you happiness. even your parents can't make you happy. You have a lot to do for yourself.

Teringat kawan satu ayat dalam surah Al Baqarah..bila ALlah bagitau malaikat yang Dia nak cipta manusia sebagai khalifah. Kalau fikir balik, kita ni ALlah jadikan sebagai khalifah. dah semestinya kita kena strong dan buat semuanya sendiri. Memang kawan2 ke..takleh kasik kita happy kalau kita sendiri tak strong dan tak nak buat kita sendiri happy.

mc: but people in this world, sometimes they can stand the sufferings, but sometimes they can't. Some people can suffer for so long but still living his life like normal people. but some people just can't bear all the torments. when i went for a holiday, i saw a girl jump to the ocean, trying to kill herself. It's true..

uih...camtu rupanya diorang ni ye. ada ujian skit ALlah kasik. terus nak endkan life. ish ish ish. teruk tul. tu la kalau manusia dah takde tuhan, mana nak pegi pun tak tau....last resort....bunuh diri. Kita ni patutnya bersyukur...walau teruk mcm mana pun kita kena uji...ALlah selaluuuuu ada kat kita...we will always have Him by our side. Tak ke beruntungnye kita jadi Muslim?

mc : you need to be with friends and talk a lot....share with them. you'll forget your problems that way. If you sitting alone by yourself, you'll start to remember all your know...everything that happened to you since you were small. Everything comes back to you...and you start to feel sad. That's why i want you to talk to me that you can feel happy, when you're happy, you don't feel stress doing this kind of job.

hehehe. kawan terpikir...dia ni bukannya paham pun kalau kawan citer pasal urusan kawan tu. takpe le makcik..saya citer ngan orang lain je le ye.

mc : a writer once said, everything is free in this life. when you look at the sentence properly, you'll see what he meant. in this life, we don't need all these materials like big cars, furniture, luxurious house. The air you free. free. Happiness is free. you see? everything that you need is free....but other things....those that you don't really need have to pay. For me, i don't need all these materials. I'm happy with what i have now.

Kawan angguk je. banyak betulnya apa yang dia cakap ni. Semuanya ALlah dah kasik dah ..kita je yang tak nampak + tak tau bersyukur. bukan kena bayar pun nak sedut oksigen. cuba agaknya ALlah suruh bayar. sekali sedut £1. haaa...tak ke tercekik tak cukup oksigen kita dibuatnya. hmmm.... faqalilan ma yashkurun.

mc : my final word to you. don't give up on life. if you give up on life, life will give up on you

camne nak relate ye ayat makcik ni kasik islamic skit....kawan teringat hadeeth 19 dalam hadeeth 40. "Be mindful of Allah, and Allah will protect you. Be mindful of Allah, and you will find Him in front of you..." ingat ALlah...ALlah akan jaga kita...tapi kalau kita putus asa dgn rahmat ALlah....wal 'iyadzubillah...

Begitu la perbualan kawan dgn makcik cleaner which she did most of the talking ^_^. Tapi sungguh ilmiah. jangan ingat cleaner ni set2 pelarian sumer....diorang ni sumer ada yang ada degree..jangan memain. Nanti kawan citer lagi pasal latar belakang makcik cleaner yang unique ni.

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