Friday, August 29, 2003

Ibu ibu bekerja

Petikan artikel dari surat khabar Metro (amik kat underground station)


Mothers who go out to work not only have to juggle two lives - they also do not make much money out of it, a new survey reveals.

Ninety percent of what they earn goes towards paying for childcare, cleaners and other services they otherwise might not need

They are lucky if they have enough money left to treat themselves to a shampoo and cut, the Cost of Working study found

The typical working mother earns £864 a month after tax, but spends £809 on help, leaving just £55. Three quarters of mothers said they worked to contribute to their family's everyday living costs, while half said they did it for personal fulfilment.

Nine out of ten of the 500 women questioned by British Gas said they never spent their earnings on themselves.

Sara Jones, 36, from Dulwich, South London, said the bulk of her wages from her sports sponsorship job went on employing cleaners and paying for childcare for her baby son Luca."I work for my own personal fulfilment - there's certainly no financial gain for us in me working and in fact it can actually sometimes cost us more than it would if I stayed at home", she said. "I will soon be reducing my hours to four days a week so that we can cut back on some of our childcare costs. Maybe then I'll have the time to treat myself to the rare haircut or manicure"

Betul jugak cakap dia ni..kawan tengok kat sini pun...abang2 postgrad yang dah ada anak...wife diorang sumer tak keja. Bila tanya apsal tak keja, dia cakap tak worth it...sebab nak hantar baby pegi nursery lagi mahal dari gaji kadang2. so baik wife dia duduk rumah jaga anak, dia gi uni belajar.

Ehem..kawan personally nak zaujah kawan nanti duduk kat rumah jugak....takyah le keja tu...kawan insyaALlah leh tanggung belanja, tapi kalau dia nak keja, kawan tak halang, cuma tanggungjawab didik anak2 jangan terabai pulak ye ^_^. Kan best kalau zaujah ada kat rumah selalu. Kita balik keja dia ada sambut dgn senyuman manis dan segelas air di tangan. Penat keja macam mana pun...legaaaaa skit bila balik tu. Pastu dia ada time banyak kat rumah nak spent dgn anak2. Takde la anak kita nanti cakap melayu pun bunyi indon...sebab mak indon pembantu rumah yang bela anak2 kita pulak.

But i have nothing against career women ^_^. jangan terasa lak ye. ni cuma personal opinion je. Kalau rasa boleh keja dan laksanakan tanggungjawab sebagai isteri dan ummi..silakan...tafaddhali. Doktor lagi la...duit bayar nursery tu insyaALlah takde hal nye. Syaratnye, keja kena gaji yang berbaloi la masa yang dikorbankan utk meninggalkan family tu..dan syarat kedua, jangan leka bekerja sampai rumahtangga porak peranda. Tepuk dada tanya iman, tanya kemampuan.

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