Thursday, June 12, 2003

This blog looks rather ugly but not so bad. Really need to revamp it after finished writing up my final year report. Wish me luck! Anyway let me start with some explanation of the title, header and description of this blog. See the connection? It's all about time. It's how we value the time that ALlah has given us and how we use it to the way of ALlah. Sometimes we take it for granted. But usually people only appreciate the value of time only after they lost it. Budak buat final year project menyesal sebab tak buat projek awal. Budak nak exam menyesal sebab tak stadi awal2. And na'uzubillah org yang ajalnya berada di celah kerongkong menyesal sebab tak bertaubat awal2. I'd like to repeat my phrase again...most people only appreciate the value of time after they lost it or when they realize it's already too late for them, in other words, when the time given to them is nearly expired. May ALlah grant us with wisdom of managing time and appreciating its priceless value.

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