Kawan ingat nak share jugak tips tips ni sebab kawan rasa Quran adalah satu mukjizat yang terulung yang kadang2 kita ter-abaikan. At least we should make an effort to memorize some soorahs or verses in the Holy Quran, if not the whole Quran itself. May ALlah ease our roads to reach His Blessings.
Memorizing the Qur'an
From Abdur-Rahman Abdul Khaaliq's "Al-Qawaaid
adh-Dhahabiyyah lil-Hifdh il-Quran il-Adheem"
English Translation by Amjad ibn Muhammad Rafiq
University of Essex Islamic Society
My Brother and Sister Muslim - there is no doubt that you know of excellence of memorising the Quran and the excellence of teaching it. The Messenger of Allaah (sas) said:
"The best amongst you is the one who learns the Qur'aan and teaches it." [Reported by Bukhaaree]
Presented to you are some rules which will assist in memorising the Qur'aan, may Allah benefit us by them.
1. Ikhlaas - (Sincerity)
2. Pronunciation and Recitation
3. A Daily Limit for Memorisation
4. Not Surpassing your Limit.
5. Using the Same Copy of the Quran
6. Understanding is the Way to Memorising
7. Only move on when recitation flow's.
8. Reciting to Others
9. Constantly Returning to what one has Memorised
10. Being Aware of the Resembling Parts of the Quran
11. Taking Advantage of the Golden Years of Memorising
Ikhlaas - (Sincerity)The purification of ones intention and correcting ones desire is obligatory. It is likewise for making ones concern with and memorisation of the Quran for the sake of Allaah, the Sublime and Exalted, and for gaining success with His Paradise and obtaining His pleasure.
Also for obtaining those mighty rewards which are reserved for those who recited the Quran and memorised it. Allaah the Exalted said:
So worship Allaah, making the Deen sincerely for Him. Is it not to Allaah that sincere worship is due? [Zumar 39:2-3]
He also said:
Say: I have been commanded that I worship Allaah making the Deen sincerely for Him. [Zumar 39:11]
And the Messenger of Allaah (sas) said:
"Allaah the Exalted said: I am so self-sufficient that I am in no need of having an associate. Thus, he who does an action for someone elses sake as well as Mine will have that action renounced by Me to him whom he associated with Me." [Bukhaaree and Muslim]
Therefore, there is no reward for the one who recited the Quran and memorised it to show off and to be heard of. There is also no doubt that the one who recited the Quran desiring by it the world and seeking some sort of worldy reward for it is sinful.
Correction of ones Pronunciation and Recitation
The first step in memorising the Quran after that of Ikhlaas is the obligation of correcting the pronunciation of the Quran. This does not occur except by listening to a good reciter or a precise memoriser of the Quran. The Quran is not learned except by acquiring it (from another). Thus, the Messenger (sas) who is the most eloquent of the arabs in speech, took it from Jibreel (as) orally. The Messenger (sas) himself used to recited the Quran to Jibreel once in every year and in the year that he died he recited it to him twice. [Reported by Bukhaaree]
Likewise, the Messenger taught it to the Companions (ra) orally and those who came after them heard it from the Companions and so on for each generation after them.
Taking the Quran from a good reciter is obligatory. Likewise, correcting ones recitation firstly and not depending on oneself in its recitation even if one is knowledgeable of the Arabic language and of its principles, is also obligatory. This is because in the Quran there are many verses which occur in a way that is opposed to what is well known in the rules of the Arabic language.
Specifying a Daily Limit for Memorisation
It is necessary for the one desiring to memorise the Quran that he sets himself a daily limit for memorising. a number of verses for example, perhaps a page or two pages or even an eighth of a juz (one thirtieth of the Quran). So he begins, after he has corrected his recitation and set his daily limit, to learn by frequent repetition. It is also necessary that this repetition is done melodiously and this is so that a person follows the Sunnah firstly and that it the memorisation is made firm and strong secondly. Melodious recitation is pleasing to ones hearing and also assists in memorisation. Furthermore, the tongue will always return to a specific tone (of voice) and as a result of this it will become familiar with any mistake whenever the balance in ones recitation and familiar tone becomes disordered or imbalanced. The reciter will know therefore, that his tongue will not comply with him when he makes a mistake and that if the tone is wrong or out of tune, his memorisation will return to him.
All of this is because reciting the Quran and beautifying it with ones voice is a matter which has been commanded. It is not permissible to oppose this command due to the saying of the Messenger (sas):
"Whoever does not beautify the Quran (recite it melodiously) he is not of us." [Bukhaaree]
Not Surpassing One's Daily Limit until You Have Perfected its Memorisation
It is not permissible for the memoriser to move to a new portion of the Quran until after he has perfected the memorisation of his previous limit. This is so that whatever he has memorised is firmly established in his mind. There is no doubt that amongst those things which aid the memoriser is his occupation with what he has memorised through the hours of the day and night. This occurs by reciting it in the silent prayers, and if he is the imaam then in the loud prayers. Also in the superogatory prayers (nawaafil) and in the times when one is waiting for the obligatory prayers. By this method the memorisation will become a lot easier. In this way it is possible for a person to practise it even if he is occupied with other matters and this is because he does not simply sit at a specific time for memorising the Quran. Thus the night will not arrive except with those verses memorised and firmly established in the mind. And if there is something which has occuppied the memoriser during this day, he should not move onto his next portion of the Quran, rather he should continue on the second day with what he had started with the day before until the memorisation becomes perfected.
Memorise Using the Same Copy (Mushaf) of the Quran
Among the things which aid the memorisation is that the memoriser should keep for himself a specific mushaf (copy of the Quran) which he should never change. This is because a person memorises using the sight just as he memorises using the hearing. The script and form of the verses and their places in the mushaf leave an imprint in the mind when they are recited and looked at frequently. If the memoriser was to change his mushaf from which he memorises or if he was to memorise from a number of different copies the places of the verses would be in different places and also the script may also be different. This makes the memorisation difficult for him. Therefore it is obligatory for the one memorisng the Quran that he does so from a single script and mushaf and he should never replace it.
Understanding is the Way to Memorising
Among the things which greatly aid the process of memorisation is understanding the verses that one has memorised and knowing their relationship and link, one to another. This is why it is necessary for the memoriser to read the tafseer (explanation) of those verses which he desires to memorise and that he knows their connection, one with another. Also, that he brings this to mind when he is reciting. This makes it easier for him to memorise the verses. Having said this, it is also necessary that he does not depend on knowing the meaning of the verses alone in memorising them. Rather the repetition of these verses should be the foundation. This should be done until the tongue can recite the verses even if the mind is occupied with other than the meaning of these verses. This is sign that the verses are firmly established in the mind. As for the one who relies upon the meaning alone then he will forget often and his recitation will be disjointed due to his mind being scattered and occupied with other things. This occurs frequently, especially when the recitation is long.
Do not move on from a Complete Surah until you have connected the first part of it to the last
After one surah from among the surahs of the Quran has been completed it is desirable for the memoriser that he does not move onto another surah except after having perfected its memorisation and connecting its first part to its last so that his tongue can flow in reciting it, from its beginning to its end. He should be able to recite it without having to think or go through trouble in remembering the verses. Rather it is a must that the memorisation (and recitation) of these verses is like (flowing) water and that the memoriser recites these verses with out hesitation, even if his mind is occupied with more than one thing, away from the meaning of these verses. It should be as a person recites Surah Faatihah without any difficulty or having to think about it. This occurs by repeating thes e verses frequently and reciting them often. However the memorisation of every surah of the Quran will not be like that of Surah Faatihah except rarely but the intent and desire should be to try to make it as such. Therefore, it is necessary that when a surah is completed it is firmly established in the mind, with its beginning connected to its end and that the memoriser does not move onto another surah until he has memorised it with precision.
Reciting to Others
It is necessary for the memoriser not to depend on himself for his memorisation. Rather he should test his memorisation by reciting the verses or surah in question to somebody else, or he should recite them by following the mushaf. And how excellent this would be if a person had with him a precise memoriser (who would test his memorisation). This is so that the memoriser becomes aware of the possibility of his being forgetful or confused in his recitation (without knowing it). Many individuals amongst us who memorise a surah make mistakes and a person may not realise that until he looks into the mushaf. Furhtermore, the one who desires to memorise may not realise by himself at which place he makes an error in his recitation despite the fact that he may be reciting from a mushaf. For this reason making others listen to his recitation of what he has memorised from the Quran is a means of perceiving and knowing these errors and being constantly aware of them.
Constantly Returning to what one has Memorised
The Quran is different from any other material that is memorised such as poetry and prose. And this is because the Quran is quickly lost from ones mind. In fact the Messenger of Allaah (sas) said: "By Him in whose Hand is my soul, it is faster in escaping than a tied camel." Reported by Bukhaaree and Muslim.
No sooner does the memoriser of the Quran leave it for a while until the Quran slips away from him and so he forgets it quickly. This is why it is necessary to constantly follow up what one has memorised and to be vigilant over it. Regarding this we have the saying of the Messenger (sas):
"Verily, the example of the owner of the Quran is like the example of the owner of the tied camel. If he keeps it tied (commits himself to it) he will hold it back and if he lets it loose it will escape from him."
And he also said:
"Commit yourselves to the Quran, for by Him in Whose Hand is my soul, it is faster in slipping away than a tied camel." [Reported by Bukhaaree and Muslim]
This means that it is obligatory upon the memoriser of the Quran to continuously recite what he has memorised from the Quran. With this constant attention and returning to what has been memorised will the Quran remain in his mind and without it, it will escape.
Being Aware of the Resembling Parts of the Quran
The various parts of the Quran resemble each other with respect to the meaning, wording and (repetition of) verses. The Exalted said:
Allaah has sent down the most beautiful of speech, a Book, (parts of it) resembling (others) oft-repeated. The skins of those who fear their Lord shiver from it. Then their skins and their hearts soften to the remembrance of Allaah [Zumar 39:23].
The Quran has approximately six and a half-thousand verses. And there are approximately a thousand verses in which there is a resemblance of some sort. Sometimes there is agreement or difference due to a single letter or a word or two or more. For this reason it is necessary for the good reciter of the Quran that he has special concern for the parts of the Quran that resemble each other in terms of their wording. The excellence of ones memorisation will be according to the extent that one has concern for these resembling parts. One of the ways to aid oneself in this matter is to study those books which deal with this topic of resembling verses in the Quran. Among the most famous of them are:
1. Durratul-Tanzeel wa Ghurratut-Ta'weel fee Bayaan il Aayaat al-Mutashaabihaat fee Kitaab il-Laahi il-Azeez by al-Khateeb al-Iskaafee
2. Asraar ut-Tukraar fil-Quran by Mahmood bin Hamzah ibn Nasr al-Kirmaanee.
Taking Advantage of the Golden Years of Memorising
The succesful one, inevitably, is the one who takes advantage of the best years of memorisation and these are from the age of five to twenty-three approximately. A person's ability to memorise during these years is very good. In fact these are the golden years of memorising. Therefore, it is necessary for a person to keep himself occupied during the these years of his life, memorising the Book of Allaah as much as he can.
Commiting things to memory at this age can be done very quickly and forgetting is not so easy. This is in opposition to what happens after this time when a person memorises with difficulty and forgets with great speed. He spoke the truth who said:
Memorising in youth is like engraving on stone And memorising when old is like engraving on water
Thus, it is necessary for all of us to take advantage of the golden years of memorising. If we cannot then we should encourage our sons and daughters to do so.
And with Allaah is success and prayers and peace be upon our Messenger Muhammad, upon his family and all his Companions.
Friday, July 25, 2003
Rehlah ke Windsor Castle
Hari isnin haritu, kawan dengan baper orang ikhwah pegi berjalan jalan melegakan mental dan fizikal dari keja cleaner ke Windsor Castle. Windsor Castle tu kat mana ek...kawan pun tak sure sangat ke arah mana..tapi utara aa dari london. Pagi-pagi lagi kawan dah keluar rumah pegi ke train station Waterloo. Tunggu depa semua mai, pastu kawan pun ramai-ramai naik train pukul 9.57 kot. Dalam train makan sandwich tuna, sedaaappp. Bukan kawan yang buat, ada la orang lain buat. Kawan tukang makan je. Kawan bawak keropok Walkers, biskut dgn air minuman. Ada la dalam sejam agaknye dalam train tu, pastu kami pun sampai la ke station windsor tu.
Dah sampai kat station tu, kena jalan kaki dalam seplo minit, baru jumpa castle. Nasib baik kami dah beli tiket awal2, so takyah le susah2 nak keluar duit kat situ. Dah beli tiket pun kena beratur jugak, ingatkan takyah beratur dah. Lepas beli tiket, kena lalu dekat scanning device yang macam kat airport tu. Fuih, macam nak balik msia pulak. Ada sorang kawan punya kawan kena soal jawab jap, sebab dia bawak air mineral yang besor tu, pastu agaknya minah tu ingat dia bawak bahan letupan apa agaknye..hehehe. tapi sumer takde kena tahan pun. Bawak air pun takkan nak kena tahan.
Dah lepas sumer tu, bermula la sesi amik gambar banyak2....macam2 gambar kawan amik, gambar castle, gambar pokok, gambar kawan sendiri..hehehe. Jalan agak2 dalam setengah jam, kami pun terasa lapar lalu beramai ramai la kami bentang tikaq pastu bersila kat windsor castle tu sambil makan mee goreng, ayam goreng, keropok + minum air yang kawan bawak. heheh. macam piknik kat msia pulak. mat saleh semua pakat tengok tapi kami pedulik apa. Makan je, tak layan pun, perut tengah lapar. Bila dah kenyang sambung jalan balik. Masuk dalam castle tu, ada bilik yang simpan anak2 patung, ada bilik simpan gambar2....pastu ada bilik2 royalty sumer aa, bilik sambut VIP la, bilik King la, bilik queen la...macam macam bilik ada...tapi sumer tak best.....kawan pikir, camne la agaknya kalau tinggal dalam castle ni. mesti mati bosan punya. Dah la toilet dalam castle pun tak jumpa, camne agaknye King nak qadha' hajat. hehehe. Pastu kawan cari internet connection pun takde..ish..castle besar tapi internet takde baik takyah. apa aa castle ni...bosan aa.. heheheh..saja je kawan terpikir time tu.
Tak banyak sangat sebenarnya tempat nak tengok2 dalam castle tu sebab Windsor Castle takde la besar sangat. So dalam sejam dua je kitorang pun abis merayau2 dalam tu. Pastu jalan kaki lagi pergi satu kawasan tu...lawa jugak. Nama dia the long walk. Tempat tu....camne nak describe ye. Tengah2 dia ada jalan panjang yakmat....menjangkau ke horizon. pastu kiri kanan dia ada pokok2...rumput2 ....kira mcm garden skit...tempat bersantai. Cantik gak tapi tak cukup masa nak jalan kat tengah2 tu sampai ke hujung...kalau ada time memang kawan nak jalan sorang2....tengok jalan ni tembus sampai mana....silap2 sampai Msia..haa..mana nak tau. heheh.
Lepas semayang + relax2 legakan otot kaki yang dah lenguh berjalan, kitorang pun balik ke station...nak balik rumah dah. pukul 4.30 la lebih kurang balik. Seronok gak jalan2 sekali sekala ni. Bukan selalu. Nanti kalau dah balik msia ke...dah keja ke...dah kawin ke....dah tak dapat jalan2 dgn member2 lagi ye tak...dah nak jalan ngan isteri tercinta pulak....dah lain dah dia punya mood...hehehe. Sampai rumah kawan pun tido..penat bejalan ni. Esoknye kena keja balik...baik tido...recharge balik energy. Camtu la citer kawan gi jalan2. Ni kawan plan nak jalan2 gak lagi..nak pegi Kent pulak. Kent tu kat south east of England....kira kat tepi pantai. Alaaa...yang mamat Malik Mydin nak gi berenang tu...nanti dia singgah Kent la. Tempat tu pun lawa gak...ada garden, ada castle...best best. Dah la hari ni kawan dapat gaji....banyak jugak..ok la....buat menampung perbelanjaan nak jalan2. Tapi kawan tak nak pakai banyak sangat duit tu. Nak kumpul buat belanja kawin. Ntah bila dapat kawin pun tak tau la kawan....kumpul je.. ^_^
Dah sampai kat station tu, kena jalan kaki dalam seplo minit, baru jumpa castle. Nasib baik kami dah beli tiket awal2, so takyah le susah2 nak keluar duit kat situ. Dah beli tiket pun kena beratur jugak, ingatkan takyah beratur dah. Lepas beli tiket, kena lalu dekat scanning device yang macam kat airport tu. Fuih, macam nak balik msia pulak. Ada sorang kawan punya kawan kena soal jawab jap, sebab dia bawak air mineral yang besor tu, pastu agaknya minah tu ingat dia bawak bahan letupan apa agaknye..hehehe. tapi sumer takde kena tahan pun. Bawak air pun takkan nak kena tahan.
Dah lepas sumer tu, bermula la sesi amik gambar banyak2....macam2 gambar kawan amik, gambar castle, gambar pokok, gambar kawan sendiri..hehehe. Jalan agak2 dalam setengah jam, kami pun terasa lapar lalu beramai ramai la kami bentang tikaq pastu bersila kat windsor castle tu sambil makan mee goreng, ayam goreng, keropok + minum air yang kawan bawak. heheh. macam piknik kat msia pulak. mat saleh semua pakat tengok tapi kami pedulik apa. Makan je, tak layan pun, perut tengah lapar. Bila dah kenyang sambung jalan balik. Masuk dalam castle tu, ada bilik yang simpan anak2 patung, ada bilik simpan gambar2....pastu ada bilik2 royalty sumer aa, bilik sambut VIP la, bilik King la, bilik queen la...macam macam bilik ada...tapi sumer tak best.....kawan pikir, camne la agaknya kalau tinggal dalam castle ni. mesti mati bosan punya. Dah la toilet dalam castle pun tak jumpa, camne agaknye King nak qadha' hajat. hehehe. Pastu kawan cari internet connection pun takde..ish..castle besar tapi internet takde baik takyah. apa aa castle ni...bosan aa.. heheheh..saja je kawan terpikir time tu.
Tak banyak sangat sebenarnya tempat nak tengok2 dalam castle tu sebab Windsor Castle takde la besar sangat. So dalam sejam dua je kitorang pun abis merayau2 dalam tu. Pastu jalan kaki lagi pergi satu kawasan tu...lawa jugak. Nama dia the long walk. Tempat tu....camne nak describe ye. Tengah2 dia ada jalan panjang yakmat....menjangkau ke horizon. pastu kiri kanan dia ada pokok2...rumput2 ....kira mcm garden skit...tempat bersantai. Cantik gak tapi tak cukup masa nak jalan kat tengah2 tu sampai ke hujung...kalau ada time memang kawan nak jalan sorang2....tengok jalan ni tembus sampai mana....silap2 sampai Msia..haa..mana nak tau. heheh.
Lepas semayang + relax2 legakan otot kaki yang dah lenguh berjalan, kitorang pun balik ke station...nak balik rumah dah. pukul 4.30 la lebih kurang balik. Seronok gak jalan2 sekali sekala ni. Bukan selalu. Nanti kalau dah balik msia ke...dah keja ke...dah kawin ke....dah tak dapat jalan2 dgn member2 lagi ye tak...dah nak jalan ngan isteri tercinta pulak....dah lain dah dia punya mood...hehehe. Sampai rumah kawan pun tido..penat bejalan ni. Esoknye kena keja balik...baik tido...recharge balik energy. Camtu la citer kawan gi jalan2. Ni kawan plan nak jalan2 gak lagi..nak pegi Kent pulak. Kent tu kat south east of England....kira kat tepi pantai. Alaaa...yang mamat Malik Mydin nak gi berenang tu...nanti dia singgah Kent la. Tempat tu pun lawa gak...ada garden, ada castle...best best. Dah la hari ni kawan dapat gaji....banyak jugak..ok la....buat menampung perbelanjaan nak jalan2. Tapi kawan tak nak pakai banyak sangat duit tu. Nak kumpul buat belanja kawin. Ntah bila dapat kawin pun tak tau la kawan....kumpul je.. ^_^
Friday, July 18, 2003
Profil Mujahid : Abul-Mundhir ash-Shareef
Abul-Mundhir Ash-Shareef (Mansoor Al-Barakaati), from the Ahlul-Bait (Direct Descendants of the Prophet (SAWS)'s family), Makkah, Arabian Peninsula. Killed during a Communist mortar attack on Qandahar, South Afghanistan, Summer 1990. 1st Hand Account.
"I love Allah! I love Allah! I love Allah!"
"Never in my life have I seen one man love another man as much as I saw Abu Muhammad love Abul-Mundhir..." [Sheikh Abu Sulaiman]
Born into a family who were direct descendants of the Prophet (SAWS), Abul-Mundhir grew up in Makkah with his five younger brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, he found bad company even in Makkah itself and began to drink alcohol within the Sacred City of Makkah. By the time he reached his late teens, both of his parents had passed away and he was left with the responsibility to bring up his five younger brothers and sisters, being the eldest of them all.
In 1987, at the peak of the Afghan Jihad, one of his younger brothers left the house without Abul-Mundhir's permission and he travelled to Afghanistan to join his brothers in the Jihad there. When Abul-Mundhir found out, he was furious. He tried for several months in vain to get his brother to return, but it was no use. Having exhausted all other means, Abul-Mundhir was left with no choice but to travel to Afghanistan himself in order to bring his brother back personally. Full of anger, he travelled to Afghanistan in summer of 1987 with the intention of bringing his younger brother back home. However, Allah had willed another purpose for his visit to Afghanistan.
The moment he crossed the Pak-Afghan border and entered Afghanistan, he felt his 'heart shake' as he himself later described. He experienced feelings of all types as he entered into Afghanistan, feelings that he was entering a divine and blessed place. Instead of searching for his brother, Abul-Mundhir decided that he may as well as get some military training whilst he was there and see for himself what all the uproar of Jihad was about. He thus travelled to Jalalabad and entered one of Usama bin Ladin's Jihad training camps. He stayed there for approximately two months.
By the end of his training, his mind and heart and turned around 180 degrees. He was no longer interested in returning home himself, let alone search for his brother in order to send him home.As he left the training camp, he said to brothers with whom he had developed a close friendship:
"From Afghanistan, lights will shine all over the World."
After spending some time on the Front in Jalalabad, he travelled to the Southern city of Qandahar, where some of the most vicious fighting in the whole of Afghanistan was taking place, due to the vast open, barren areas around Qandahar, hardly containing any natural cover. He stayed in Qandahar, fighting the Russian Forces and displayed unbelievable feats of bravery and heroism.
During one reconnaissance patrol, he ventured alone to the positions of the Russians in order to obtain intelligence about them. As he was approaching their positions, he came across a Russian post manned by six Russian soldiers and one Afghan Communist. Undeterred, Abul-Mundhir removed the safety catch from his assault rifle and quietly crept up to the post, without the enemy noticing. Once he was within five or xi metres of them, he opened fire on them. With the Help of Allah and his advantage of surprise, Abul-Mundhir was able to kill all seven of the enemy soldiers without receiving a single scratch. He gathered their weapons and walked back to the Mujahideen camp.
It was similar feats to this, together with his lovable personality and incredible popularity amongst the Afghan Mujahideen, who would normally keep to themselves and not mix too much with the Arabs, that he was chosen to sit on the Mujahideen Command Council for the entire Qandahar region. It was only a matter of time before the Council, together with all the other Afghan and Foreign Mujahideen in Qandahar, decided who they wanted to be their leader. After all, who else could they choose for their leader, other than the direct descendant of the Prophet (SAWS), who was, at the same time, brave, wise, intelligent, lovable and an excellent leader? In late 1988, Abul-Mundhir was made Ameer of the entire Foreign Mujahideen forces in the Qandahar region.
At that time in Qandahar, there was not a single man loved by as many people than Abul-Mundhir. Both the Afghan and the Foreign Mujahideen used to jokingly say to him:
"You are the Mahdi! You are our Ameer and you are the Ameer-ul-Mumineen (Leader of the Believers) since you are from the Quraish Tribe and a direct descendant of the Prophet (SAWS)!"
Abul-Mundhir would become angry at the brothers for saying that to him and he would seek forgiveness from Allah for them attributing something to him which he felt he was not worthy of. The Mujahideen also made many poems and songs about him to this effect and they would tease him with them. Whenever a successful operation would be carried out against the enemy, the Mujahideen would jokingly say to each other that Allah gave the Mujahideen success in the battle because of the presence of the Mahdi (i.e. Abul-Mundir) in their ranks. Abul-Mundhir would become very angry at such suggestions and would leave their company to sit by himself and seek forgiveness from Allah for what they were saying.
And so, month after month passed and the Mujahideen witnessed victory after victory until the Soviet Red Army withdrew from Afghanistan in February 1989, defeated and humiliated. The Jihad continued against the Communists and was not much lighter than the Jihad against the Soviets, since the Communists were still being helped by Soviet weapons, officers and logistics. Abul-Mundhir remained with his brothers, patient under fierce aerial bombing attacks and harsh conditions.
His Martyrdom
Thus came the summer of 1990, by which time Abul-Mundhir had spent over two full years in Afghanistan of which one year was spent as the Ameer of the Mujahideen in Qandahar. Abu Muhammad, the beloved companion and best friend of Abul-Mundhir, describes what happened on that midsummer evening, just before Maghrib (sunset) time.
"I was on a motorbike and had just returned to the Mujahideen base from the village nearby. I glanced in the distance and about 30m away I saw Abul-Mundhir sitting alone on a chair on the roof of a small stone house. The sun was about to set and the sky was filled with the reddish glow of Maghrib time. Abul-Mundhir was alone on the roof of the house and he was looking at the sky, making the remembrance of Allah. I looked at him and shouted to him, 'Abul-Mundhir!'.
No sooner had I said that, that a 120mm mortar shell landed on the house and exploded. The force of the explosion knocked me off my motorbike and I fell to the floor. Once the dust and daze of the explosion had gone, I stopped worrying about myself, but immediately thought about Abul-Mundhir. I looked to the house and could only see rubble. All the brothers rushed to the house to see if Abul-Mundhir was OK. One of the brothers helped me to go there.
We reached the house, and there, in the midst of the rubble, Abul-Mundhir was lying, loudly shouting 'Allahu-Akbar' and 'La ilaha illalah'. Large chunks of shrapnel had sheared open the side of his stomach and his inner body parts had spilt out. He was bleeding heavily. Immediately, the brothers rushed him to the Mujahideen ambulance and began the journey to Quetta, across the Pakistan border, where he could receive expert medical attention."
One driver and two brothers accompanied Abul-Mundhir in the ambulance. One of these brothers was Julaybeeb, from Makkah, and the other one was Sheikh Abu Sulaiman, also from Makkah. Sheikh Abu Sulaiman describes the journey:
"Night had fallen and the sky was dark by the time we joined the main road to the Pakistan border. The driver was driving without lights, since the enemy would almost certainly have bombed us had they seen us. Abul-Mundhir had lost a lot of blood. He was still conscious, but in a daze. He was saying to me:
'O Abu Sulaiman! I love Allah! I love Allah! I love Allah! O Abu Sulaiman! I am fed up from this Worldly life! I want to go to Allah and rest once and for all, away from this World! O Abu Sulaiman! I really love Allah! I really love Allah!'
I replied to him,
'O Abul-Mundhir! What are you saying?! You are the Ameer of the Mujahideen! You have only received a slight injury. Soon we will be in Quetta, have your injury attended to and then you'll come back!'
However, he kept on saying to me:
'No, O Abu Sulaiman! I have had enough of this World and want to rest! Abu Sulaiman, I really love Allah! I really love Allah!'
Saying this, he fell asleep. The journey was long and we had now been travelling for several hours into the night. A little distance before we reached the Afghan border town of Spin Boldak, I fell asleep but Julaybeeb remained awake."
Julaybeeb describes what happened next:
"Sheikh Abu Sulaiman was very tired and had dozed off to sleep. Abul-Mundhir was also asleep. A little while later, Abul-Mundhir suddenly opened his eyes. He stared into the distance, raised his right index finger and began to say 'La ilaha illalah Muhammadur-Rasoolullah', 'La ilaha illalah Muhammadur-Rasoolullah', 'La ilaha illalah Muhammadur-Rasoolullah'. After saying that three times, he closed his eyes and his pure, innocent soul (we hope from Allah but do not sanctify anyone above him) left his body to join the One he was impatient to meet.
As that happened, I witnessed two things for which Allah is also Witness. The entire ambulance filled with a beautiful scent the likes of which I have never ever experienced before in my life. Secondly, I heard a sound inside the ambulance, similar to the sound of the humming of bees and the chirping of birds, even though we were in an ambulance in the middle of the Afghan desert, in the middle of the night."
Sheikh Abu Sulaiman later commented that this sound was probably the remembrance being made by the Special Angels of Mercy who descend and personally witness the great ceremony of the Shaheed's soul leaving his body to join its Creator.
The ambulance continued to the town of Spin Boldak, near the Pakistani border, where Abul-Mundhir was buried. Sheikh Abu Sulaiman himself placed Abul-Mundhir's body into his grave, where it remains to this day to be raised up infront of Allah on the Day of Judgement, from a blessed land; the land on which there fell the blood of caravans upon caravans of martyrs in order to bring life to the Muslim Ummah.
Sheikh Abu Sulaiman and Julaybeeb returned to Qandahar with the sad news. This news hit the Mujahideen like a thunderbolt that devastated them. The Mujahideen began to weep at the loss of their dear friend, brother, leader, fighter, warrior, example, and direct descendant of the Prophet (SAWS). That day was not the day that only the Foreign Mujahideen wept, but it was also the day when hundreds of the Afghan Mujahideen, who rarely weep even when their parents die, wept at the departure of Abul-Mundhir from this World on his journey to the Eternal Paradise in the Company of His Beloved
"I love Allah! I love Allah! I love Allah!"
"Never in my life have I seen one man love another man as much as I saw Abu Muhammad love Abul-Mundhir..." [Sheikh Abu Sulaiman]
Born into a family who were direct descendants of the Prophet (SAWS), Abul-Mundhir grew up in Makkah with his five younger brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, he found bad company even in Makkah itself and began to drink alcohol within the Sacred City of Makkah. By the time he reached his late teens, both of his parents had passed away and he was left with the responsibility to bring up his five younger brothers and sisters, being the eldest of them all.
In 1987, at the peak of the Afghan Jihad, one of his younger brothers left the house without Abul-Mundhir's permission and he travelled to Afghanistan to join his brothers in the Jihad there. When Abul-Mundhir found out, he was furious. He tried for several months in vain to get his brother to return, but it was no use. Having exhausted all other means, Abul-Mundhir was left with no choice but to travel to Afghanistan himself in order to bring his brother back personally. Full of anger, he travelled to Afghanistan in summer of 1987 with the intention of bringing his younger brother back home. However, Allah had willed another purpose for his visit to Afghanistan.
The moment he crossed the Pak-Afghan border and entered Afghanistan, he felt his 'heart shake' as he himself later described. He experienced feelings of all types as he entered into Afghanistan, feelings that he was entering a divine and blessed place. Instead of searching for his brother, Abul-Mundhir decided that he may as well as get some military training whilst he was there and see for himself what all the uproar of Jihad was about. He thus travelled to Jalalabad and entered one of Usama bin Ladin's Jihad training camps. He stayed there for approximately two months.
By the end of his training, his mind and heart and turned around 180 degrees. He was no longer interested in returning home himself, let alone search for his brother in order to send him home.As he left the training camp, he said to brothers with whom he had developed a close friendship:
"From Afghanistan, lights will shine all over the World."
After spending some time on the Front in Jalalabad, he travelled to the Southern city of Qandahar, where some of the most vicious fighting in the whole of Afghanistan was taking place, due to the vast open, barren areas around Qandahar, hardly containing any natural cover. He stayed in Qandahar, fighting the Russian Forces and displayed unbelievable feats of bravery and heroism.
During one reconnaissance patrol, he ventured alone to the positions of the Russians in order to obtain intelligence about them. As he was approaching their positions, he came across a Russian post manned by six Russian soldiers and one Afghan Communist. Undeterred, Abul-Mundhir removed the safety catch from his assault rifle and quietly crept up to the post, without the enemy noticing. Once he was within five or xi metres of them, he opened fire on them. With the Help of Allah and his advantage of surprise, Abul-Mundhir was able to kill all seven of the enemy soldiers without receiving a single scratch. He gathered their weapons and walked back to the Mujahideen camp.
It was similar feats to this, together with his lovable personality and incredible popularity amongst the Afghan Mujahideen, who would normally keep to themselves and not mix too much with the Arabs, that he was chosen to sit on the Mujahideen Command Council for the entire Qandahar region. It was only a matter of time before the Council, together with all the other Afghan and Foreign Mujahideen in Qandahar, decided who they wanted to be their leader. After all, who else could they choose for their leader, other than the direct descendant of the Prophet (SAWS), who was, at the same time, brave, wise, intelligent, lovable and an excellent leader? In late 1988, Abul-Mundhir was made Ameer of the entire Foreign Mujahideen forces in the Qandahar region.
At that time in Qandahar, there was not a single man loved by as many people than Abul-Mundhir. Both the Afghan and the Foreign Mujahideen used to jokingly say to him:
"You are the Mahdi! You are our Ameer and you are the Ameer-ul-Mumineen (Leader of the Believers) since you are from the Quraish Tribe and a direct descendant of the Prophet (SAWS)!"
Abul-Mundhir would become angry at the brothers for saying that to him and he would seek forgiveness from Allah for them attributing something to him which he felt he was not worthy of. The Mujahideen also made many poems and songs about him to this effect and they would tease him with them. Whenever a successful operation would be carried out against the enemy, the Mujahideen would jokingly say to each other that Allah gave the Mujahideen success in the battle because of the presence of the Mahdi (i.e. Abul-Mundir) in their ranks. Abul-Mundhir would become very angry at such suggestions and would leave their company to sit by himself and seek forgiveness from Allah for what they were saying.
And so, month after month passed and the Mujahideen witnessed victory after victory until the Soviet Red Army withdrew from Afghanistan in February 1989, defeated and humiliated. The Jihad continued against the Communists and was not much lighter than the Jihad against the Soviets, since the Communists were still being helped by Soviet weapons, officers and logistics. Abul-Mundhir remained with his brothers, patient under fierce aerial bombing attacks and harsh conditions.
His Martyrdom
Thus came the summer of 1990, by which time Abul-Mundhir had spent over two full years in Afghanistan of which one year was spent as the Ameer of the Mujahideen in Qandahar. Abu Muhammad, the beloved companion and best friend of Abul-Mundhir, describes what happened on that midsummer evening, just before Maghrib (sunset) time.
"I was on a motorbike and had just returned to the Mujahideen base from the village nearby. I glanced in the distance and about 30m away I saw Abul-Mundhir sitting alone on a chair on the roof of a small stone house. The sun was about to set and the sky was filled with the reddish glow of Maghrib time. Abul-Mundhir was alone on the roof of the house and he was looking at the sky, making the remembrance of Allah. I looked at him and shouted to him, 'Abul-Mundhir!'.
No sooner had I said that, that a 120mm mortar shell landed on the house and exploded. The force of the explosion knocked me off my motorbike and I fell to the floor. Once the dust and daze of the explosion had gone, I stopped worrying about myself, but immediately thought about Abul-Mundhir. I looked to the house and could only see rubble. All the brothers rushed to the house to see if Abul-Mundhir was OK. One of the brothers helped me to go there.
We reached the house, and there, in the midst of the rubble, Abul-Mundhir was lying, loudly shouting 'Allahu-Akbar' and 'La ilaha illalah'. Large chunks of shrapnel had sheared open the side of his stomach and his inner body parts had spilt out. He was bleeding heavily. Immediately, the brothers rushed him to the Mujahideen ambulance and began the journey to Quetta, across the Pakistan border, where he could receive expert medical attention."
One driver and two brothers accompanied Abul-Mundhir in the ambulance. One of these brothers was Julaybeeb, from Makkah, and the other one was Sheikh Abu Sulaiman, also from Makkah. Sheikh Abu Sulaiman describes the journey:
"Night had fallen and the sky was dark by the time we joined the main road to the Pakistan border. The driver was driving without lights, since the enemy would almost certainly have bombed us had they seen us. Abul-Mundhir had lost a lot of blood. He was still conscious, but in a daze. He was saying to me:
'O Abu Sulaiman! I love Allah! I love Allah! I love Allah! O Abu Sulaiman! I am fed up from this Worldly life! I want to go to Allah and rest once and for all, away from this World! O Abu Sulaiman! I really love Allah! I really love Allah!'
I replied to him,
'O Abul-Mundhir! What are you saying?! You are the Ameer of the Mujahideen! You have only received a slight injury. Soon we will be in Quetta, have your injury attended to and then you'll come back!'
However, he kept on saying to me:
'No, O Abu Sulaiman! I have had enough of this World and want to rest! Abu Sulaiman, I really love Allah! I really love Allah!'
Saying this, he fell asleep. The journey was long and we had now been travelling for several hours into the night. A little distance before we reached the Afghan border town of Spin Boldak, I fell asleep but Julaybeeb remained awake."
Julaybeeb describes what happened next:
"Sheikh Abu Sulaiman was very tired and had dozed off to sleep. Abul-Mundhir was also asleep. A little while later, Abul-Mundhir suddenly opened his eyes. He stared into the distance, raised his right index finger and began to say 'La ilaha illalah Muhammadur-Rasoolullah', 'La ilaha illalah Muhammadur-Rasoolullah', 'La ilaha illalah Muhammadur-Rasoolullah'. After saying that three times, he closed his eyes and his pure, innocent soul (we hope from Allah but do not sanctify anyone above him) left his body to join the One he was impatient to meet.
As that happened, I witnessed two things for which Allah is also Witness. The entire ambulance filled with a beautiful scent the likes of which I have never ever experienced before in my life. Secondly, I heard a sound inside the ambulance, similar to the sound of the humming of bees and the chirping of birds, even though we were in an ambulance in the middle of the Afghan desert, in the middle of the night."
Sheikh Abu Sulaiman later commented that this sound was probably the remembrance being made by the Special Angels of Mercy who descend and personally witness the great ceremony of the Shaheed's soul leaving his body to join its Creator.
The ambulance continued to the town of Spin Boldak, near the Pakistani border, where Abul-Mundhir was buried. Sheikh Abu Sulaiman himself placed Abul-Mundhir's body into his grave, where it remains to this day to be raised up infront of Allah on the Day of Judgement, from a blessed land; the land on which there fell the blood of caravans upon caravans of martyrs in order to bring life to the Muslim Ummah.
Sheikh Abu Sulaiman and Julaybeeb returned to Qandahar with the sad news. This news hit the Mujahideen like a thunderbolt that devastated them. The Mujahideen began to weep at the loss of their dear friend, brother, leader, fighter, warrior, example, and direct descendant of the Prophet (SAWS). That day was not the day that only the Foreign Mujahideen wept, but it was also the day when hundreds of the Afghan Mujahideen, who rarely weep even when their parents die, wept at the departure of Abul-Mundhir from this World on his journey to the Eternal Paradise in the Company of His Beloved
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
Profil Mujahid : As-Sheikh Abdullah Azzam
Dr. Sheikh Abdullah Yusuf Azzam. Palestinian. Assassinated on 24 November 1989 in Peshawar, Pakistan, Aged 48.
Time Magazine wrote about him that ' he was the reviver of Jihad in the 20th Century'. Abdullah Yusuf Azzam was born in the village of Ass-ba'ah Al-Hartiyeh, province of Jineen in the occupied sacred land of Palestine in 1941 CE. He was brought up in a humble house where he was taught Islam, and was fed with the love of Allah, His Messenger (SAW), those striving in the Way of Allah, the righteous people and the desire for the Hereafter.
Abdullah Azzam was a distinguished kid who started propagating Islam at an early age. His peers knew him as a pious child. He showed signs of excellence at an early age. His teachers recognized this while he was still at elementary school.
Sheikh Abdullah Azzam was known for his perseverance and serious nature ever since he was a small boy. He received his early elementary and secondary education in his village, and continued his education at the agricultural Khadorri College where he obtained a Diploma. Although he was the youngest of his colleagues, he was the cleverest and the smartest. After he graduated from Khadorri College, he worked as a teacher in a village called Adder in South Jordan. Later he joined Sharia College in Damascus University where he obtained a B.A. Degree in Shariah (Islamic Law) in 1966. After the Jews captured the West Bank in 1967, Sheikh Abdullah Azzam decided to migrate to Jordan, because he could not live under the Jews' occupation of Palestine. The sin of the Israeli tanks rolling into the West Bank without any resistance made him even more determined to migrate in order to learn the skills necessary to fight.
In the late 1960's he joined the Jihad against the Israeli occupation of Palestine from Jordan. Soon after that, he went to Egypt and graduated with a Masters Degree in Shariah from the University of Al-Azhar. In 1970 and after Jihad came to a halt by forcing PLO forces out of Jordan, he assumed the position of teaching in the Jordanian University in Amman. In 1971 he was awarded a scholarship to Al-Azhar University in Cairo from which he obtained a Ph.D Degree in Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (Usool-ul-Fiqh) in 1973. During his stay in Egypt he came to know the family of Shaheed Sayyed Qutb.
Sheikh Abdullah Azzam spent a long time participating in the Jihad in Palestine. However, matters there were not to his liking, for the people involved in the Jihad were far removed from Islam. He told of how these people used to spend the nights playing cards and listening to music, under the illusion that they were performing Jihad to liberate Palestine. Sheikh Abdullah Azzam mentioned that, out of the thousands in the camp he was in, the number of people who offered their Salah in congregation were so few that they could be counted on one hand. He tried to steer them towards Islam, but they resisted his attempts. One day he rhetorically asked one of the 'Mujahideen' what the religion behind the Palestinian revolution was, to which the man replied, quite clearly and bluntly,
"This revolution has no religion behind it."
This was the last straw. Sheikh Abdullah Azzam left Palestine, and went to Saudi Arabia to teach in the universities there.
When Sheikh Azzam realised that only by means of an organised force would the Ummah ever be able to gain victory, then Jihad and the Gun became his pre-occupation and recreation. "Jihad and the rifle alone: no negotiations, no conferences and no dialogues," he would say. By practising what he was preaching, Sheikh Abdullah Azzam was one of the first Arabs to join the Afghan Jihad against the communist USSR
In 1979, when he learned about the Afghan Jihad, he left his teaching position at King Abdul-Aziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and went to Islamabad, Pakistan, in order to be able to participate in the Jihad. He moved to Pakistan to be close to the Afghan Jihad, and there he got to know the leaders of the Jihad. During the early time of his stay in Pakistan, he was appointed a lecturer in the International Islamic University in Islamabad. After a while he had to quit the University to devote his full time and energy to the Jihad in Afghanistan.
In the early 1980's, Sheikh Abdullah Azzam came to experience the Jihad in Afghanistan. In this Jihad he found satisfaction of his longing and untold love to fight in the Path of Allah, just as Allah's Messenger (SAW) once said, "One hour spent fighting in the Path of Allah is worth more than seventy years spent in praying at home." [Authentic, At-Tirmithi and Al-Hakem].
Inspired by this Hadith, Sheikh Abdullah Azzam immigrated with his family to Pakistan in order to be closer to the field of Jihad. Soon after, he then moved from Islamabad to Peshawar to be even closer to the field of Jihad and Martyrdom.
In Peshawar, Sheikh Abdullah Azzam founded the Bait-ul-Ansar (Mujahideen Services Bureau with the aim of offering all possible assistance to the Afghani Jihad and the Mujahideen through establishing and managing projects that supported the cause. The Bureau also received and trained volunteers pouring into Pakistan to participate in Jihad and allocating them to the front lines.
Unsurprisingly, this was not enough to satisfy Sheikh Azzam's burning desire for Jihad. That desire drove him finally to go to the front-line. On the battlefield, the Sheikh gracefully played his destined role in that generous epic of heroism.
In Afghanistan he hardly ever settled in one place. He travelled throughout the country, visiting most of its provinces and states such as Lujer, Qandahar, Hindukush Heights, the Valley of Binjistr, Kabul and Jalalabad. These travels allowed Sheikh Abdullah Azzam to witness first hand the heroic deeds of these ordinary people, who had sacrificed all that they possessed -including their own lives - for the Supremacy of the Deen of Islam.
In Peshawar, upon his return from these travels, Sheikh Azzam spoke about Jihad constantly. He prayed to restore the Unity among the divided Mujahideen commanders; called upon those who had not yet joined the fighting to take up arms and to follow him to the front before it would be too late.
Abdullah Azzam was greatly influenced by the Jihad in Afghanistan and the Jihad was greatly influenced by him since he devoted his full time to its cause. He became the most prominent figure in the Afghani Jihad aside from the Afghan leaders. He spared no effort to promote the Afghan cause to the whole world, especially through the Muslim Ummah. He travelled all over the world, calling on Muslims to rally to the defence of their religion and lands. He wrote a number of books on Jihad, such as Join the Caravan and Defence of Muslim Lands. Moreover, he himself participated bodily in the Afghan Jihad, despite the fact that he was in his forties. He traversed Afghanistan, from north to south, east to west, in snow, through the mountains, in heat and in cold, riding donkeys and on foot. Young men with him used to tire from such exertions, but not Sheikh Abdullah Azzam.
He changed the minds of Muslims about the Jihad in Afghanistan and presented the Jihad as an Islamic cause which concerned all Muslims around the world. Due to his efforts, the Afghani Jihad became universal in which Muslims from every part of the world participated. Soon, volunteer Islamic fighters began to travel to Afghanistan from the four corners of the Earth, to fulfil their obligation of Jihad and in defence of their oppressed Muslim brothers and sisters.
The Sheikh's life revolved around a single goal, namely the establishment of Allah's Rule on earth, this being the clear responsibility of each and every Muslim. So in order to accomplish his life's noble mission of restoring the Khilafah, the Sheikh focused on Jihad (the armed struggle to establish Islam). He believed Jihad must be carried out until the Khilafah (Islamic Rule) is established so the light of Islam may shine on the whole world.
Sheikh Abdullah Azzam made Jihad in every possible way, responding to the call of Allah:
"Go forth, light and heavy, and strive with your selves and your wealth in the path of Allah. That is better for you, if only you knew." [Quran, 9:41]
Translation : Pergilah kamu beramai-ramai (untuk berperang pada jalan Allah), samada dengan keadaan ringan (dan mudah bergerak) ataupun dengan keadaan berat (disebabkan berbagai-bagai tanggungjawab) dan berjihadlah dengan harta benda dan jiwa kamu pada jalan Allah (untuk membela Islam). Yang demikian amatlah baik bagi kamu, jika kamu mengetahui.
He reared his family also, in the same spirit, so that his wife, for example, engaged in orphan care and other humanitarian work in Afghanistan. He refused teaching positions at a number of universities, declaring that he would not quit Jihad until he was either martyred or assassinated. He used to reiterate that his ultimate goal was still to liberate Palestine. He was once quoted as saying,
" Never shall I leave the Land of Jihad, except in three circumstances. Either I shall be killed in Afghanistan. Either I shall be killed in Peshawar. Or either I shall be handcuffed and expelled from Pakistan."
Jihad in Afghanistan had made Abdullah Azzam the main pillar of the Jihad movement in the modern times. Through taking part in this Jihad, and through promoting and clarifying the obstacles which have been erected in the path of Jihad, he played a significant role in changing the minds of Muslims about Jihad and the need for it. He was a role model for the young generation that responded to the call of Jihad. He had a great appreciation for Jihad and the need for it. Once he said,
" I feel that I am nine years old: seven-and-a-half years in the Afghan Jihad, one-and-a-half years in the Jihad in Palestine, and the rest of the years have no value."
From his pulpit Sheikh Azzam was always reiterating his conviction that:
"Jihad must not be abandoned until Allah (SWT) Alone is worshipped. Jihad continues until Allah's Word is raised high. Jihad until all the oppressed peoples are freed. Jihad to protect our dignity and restore our occupied lands. Jihad is the way of everlasting glory."
History, as well as anyone who knew Sheikh Abdullah Azzam closely, all testify to his courage in speaking the truth, regardless of the consequences. He always bore in mind the command of Allah to: "Proclaim openly that which you were commanded, and turn away from the polytheists ( Mushrikeen)." [Quran, 15:94].
On every occasion Sheikh Abdullah Azzam reminded all Muslims that,
"Muslims cannot be defeated by others. We Muslims are not defeated by our enemies, but instead, we are defeated by our own selves."
He was a fine example of Islamic manners, in his piety, his devotion to Allah and his modesty in all things. He would never adulate in his relations with others. Sheikh Azzam always listened to the youth, he was dignified and did not allow fear to have access to his brave heart. He practised continual fasting especially the alternate daily fasting routine of Prophet Dawud (SAW). He strongly counselled others to practice fasting on Mondays and Thursdays. The Sheikh was a man of uprightness, honesty and virtue, and was never heard to slander others or to talk unpleaasently about an individual Muslim.
The last days of as-Sheikh Abdullah Azzam
As the Jihad in Afghanistan went on, he was succeeding in uniting together all the various fighting groups in the Afghani Jihad. Naturally, such a pride to Islam caused great distress to the enemies of this religion, and they plotted to eliminate him. In 1989 CE, a lethal amount of TNT explosive was placed beneath the pulpit from which he delivered the sermon every Friday. It was such a formidable quantity that if it had exploded, it would have destroyed the mosque, together with everything and everybody in it. Hundreds of Muslims would have been killed, but Allah provided protection and the bomb did not explode.
The enemies, determined to accomplish their ugly task, tried another plot in Peshawar, shortly after this in the same year When Allah (SWT) willed that Sheikh Abdullah Azzam should leave this world to be in His closest company (we hope that it is so), the Sheikh departed in a glorious manner. The day was Friday, 24 November 1989.
The enemies of Allah planted three bombs on a road so narrow only a single car could travel on it. It was the road Sheikh Abdullah Azzam would use to drive to the Friday Prayer. That Friday, the Sheikh, together with two of his own sons, Ibrahim and Muhammad, and with one of the sons of the late Sheikh Tameem Adnani (another hero of the Afghan Jihad), drove along the road. The car stopped at the position of the first bomb, and the Sheikh alighted to walk the remainder of the way. The enemies, lying in wait, then exploded the bomb. A loud explosion and a great thundering were heard all over the city.
People emerged from the mosque, and beheld a terrible scene. Only a small fragment of the car remained. The young son Ibrahim flew 100 metres into the air; the other two youths were thrown a similar distance away, and their remains were scattered among the trees and power lines. As for Sheikh Abdullah Azzam himself, his body was found resting against a wall, totally intact and not at all disfigured, except that some blood was seen issuing from his mouth.
That fateful blast indeed ended the worldly journey of Sheikh Abdullah Azzam which had been spent well in struggling, striving and fighting in the Path of Allah (SWT). It also secured his more real and eternal life in the gardens of Paradise - we ask Allah that it is so -, that he will enjoy along with the illustrious company of "those on whom is the Grace of Allah, the Prophets, the Sincere ones, the Martyrs and the Righteous. The Best of company are they." [Quran, 4:69].
It was in this way that this great hero and reformer of Islam departed from the arena of Jihad and from this world, never to return. He was buried in the Pabi Graveyard of the Shuhadaa' in Peshawar, where he joined hundreds of other Shuhadaa'. May Allah accept him as a martyr, and grant him the highest station in Paradise. The struggle which he stood for continues, despite the enemies of Islam. There is not a Land of Jihad today in the world, nor a Mujahid fighting in Allah's Way, who is not inspired by the life, teachings and works of Sheikh Abdullah Azzam (May Allah have Mercy on him).
We ask Allah (SWT) to accept the deeds of Sheikh Abdullah Azzam and bring him to the Highest Part of Paradise. We ask Allah (SWT) to raise up for this Ummah more Sheikhs of this calibre, who take their knowledge to the battlefield rather than confining it in books.
With this article, we record the events of Islamic history which took place in the ten years from 1979 to 1989, and continue to happen. As Sheikh Abdullah Azzam himself once said,
" Indeed Islamic history is not written except with the blood of the Shuhadaa', except with the stories of the Shuhadaa' and except with the examples of the Shuhadaa'. "
"They seek to extinguish the light of Allah by their mouths. But Allah refuses save to perfect His light, even if the disbelievers are averse. It is He who has sent His messenger with the guidance and the true religion, in order that He may make it prevail over all religions, even if the pagans are averse." [Quran, 9:32-33].
[taken from www.azzam.com] (website is no longer available)
Time Magazine wrote about him that ' he was the reviver of Jihad in the 20th Century'. Abdullah Yusuf Azzam was born in the village of Ass-ba'ah Al-Hartiyeh, province of Jineen in the occupied sacred land of Palestine in 1941 CE. He was brought up in a humble house where he was taught Islam, and was fed with the love of Allah, His Messenger (SAW), those striving in the Way of Allah, the righteous people and the desire for the Hereafter.
Abdullah Azzam was a distinguished kid who started propagating Islam at an early age. His peers knew him as a pious child. He showed signs of excellence at an early age. His teachers recognized this while he was still at elementary school.
Sheikh Abdullah Azzam was known for his perseverance and serious nature ever since he was a small boy. He received his early elementary and secondary education in his village, and continued his education at the agricultural Khadorri College where he obtained a Diploma. Although he was the youngest of his colleagues, he was the cleverest and the smartest. After he graduated from Khadorri College, he worked as a teacher in a village called Adder in South Jordan. Later he joined Sharia College in Damascus University where he obtained a B.A. Degree in Shariah (Islamic Law) in 1966. After the Jews captured the West Bank in 1967, Sheikh Abdullah Azzam decided to migrate to Jordan, because he could not live under the Jews' occupation of Palestine. The sin of the Israeli tanks rolling into the West Bank without any resistance made him even more determined to migrate in order to learn the skills necessary to fight.
In the late 1960's he joined the Jihad against the Israeli occupation of Palestine from Jordan. Soon after that, he went to Egypt and graduated with a Masters Degree in Shariah from the University of Al-Azhar. In 1970 and after Jihad came to a halt by forcing PLO forces out of Jordan, he assumed the position of teaching in the Jordanian University in Amman. In 1971 he was awarded a scholarship to Al-Azhar University in Cairo from which he obtained a Ph.D Degree in Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (Usool-ul-Fiqh) in 1973. During his stay in Egypt he came to know the family of Shaheed Sayyed Qutb.
Sheikh Abdullah Azzam spent a long time participating in the Jihad in Palestine. However, matters there were not to his liking, for the people involved in the Jihad were far removed from Islam. He told of how these people used to spend the nights playing cards and listening to music, under the illusion that they were performing Jihad to liberate Palestine. Sheikh Abdullah Azzam mentioned that, out of the thousands in the camp he was in, the number of people who offered their Salah in congregation were so few that they could be counted on one hand. He tried to steer them towards Islam, but they resisted his attempts. One day he rhetorically asked one of the 'Mujahideen' what the religion behind the Palestinian revolution was, to which the man replied, quite clearly and bluntly,
"This revolution has no religion behind it."
This was the last straw. Sheikh Abdullah Azzam left Palestine, and went to Saudi Arabia to teach in the universities there.
When Sheikh Azzam realised that only by means of an organised force would the Ummah ever be able to gain victory, then Jihad and the Gun became his pre-occupation and recreation. "Jihad and the rifle alone: no negotiations, no conferences and no dialogues," he would say. By practising what he was preaching, Sheikh Abdullah Azzam was one of the first Arabs to join the Afghan Jihad against the communist USSR
In 1979, when he learned about the Afghan Jihad, he left his teaching position at King Abdul-Aziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and went to Islamabad, Pakistan, in order to be able to participate in the Jihad. He moved to Pakistan to be close to the Afghan Jihad, and there he got to know the leaders of the Jihad. During the early time of his stay in Pakistan, he was appointed a lecturer in the International Islamic University in Islamabad. After a while he had to quit the University to devote his full time and energy to the Jihad in Afghanistan.
In the early 1980's, Sheikh Abdullah Azzam came to experience the Jihad in Afghanistan. In this Jihad he found satisfaction of his longing and untold love to fight in the Path of Allah, just as Allah's Messenger (SAW) once said, "One hour spent fighting in the Path of Allah is worth more than seventy years spent in praying at home." [Authentic, At-Tirmithi and Al-Hakem].
Inspired by this Hadith, Sheikh Abdullah Azzam immigrated with his family to Pakistan in order to be closer to the field of Jihad. Soon after, he then moved from Islamabad to Peshawar to be even closer to the field of Jihad and Martyrdom.
In Peshawar, Sheikh Abdullah Azzam founded the Bait-ul-Ansar (Mujahideen Services Bureau with the aim of offering all possible assistance to the Afghani Jihad and the Mujahideen through establishing and managing projects that supported the cause. The Bureau also received and trained volunteers pouring into Pakistan to participate in Jihad and allocating them to the front lines.
Unsurprisingly, this was not enough to satisfy Sheikh Azzam's burning desire for Jihad. That desire drove him finally to go to the front-line. On the battlefield, the Sheikh gracefully played his destined role in that generous epic of heroism.
In Afghanistan he hardly ever settled in one place. He travelled throughout the country, visiting most of its provinces and states such as Lujer, Qandahar, Hindukush Heights, the Valley of Binjistr, Kabul and Jalalabad. These travels allowed Sheikh Abdullah Azzam to witness first hand the heroic deeds of these ordinary people, who had sacrificed all that they possessed -including their own lives - for the Supremacy of the Deen of Islam.
In Peshawar, upon his return from these travels, Sheikh Azzam spoke about Jihad constantly. He prayed to restore the Unity among the divided Mujahideen commanders; called upon those who had not yet joined the fighting to take up arms and to follow him to the front before it would be too late.
Abdullah Azzam was greatly influenced by the Jihad in Afghanistan and the Jihad was greatly influenced by him since he devoted his full time to its cause. He became the most prominent figure in the Afghani Jihad aside from the Afghan leaders. He spared no effort to promote the Afghan cause to the whole world, especially through the Muslim Ummah. He travelled all over the world, calling on Muslims to rally to the defence of their religion and lands. He wrote a number of books on Jihad, such as Join the Caravan and Defence of Muslim Lands. Moreover, he himself participated bodily in the Afghan Jihad, despite the fact that he was in his forties. He traversed Afghanistan, from north to south, east to west, in snow, through the mountains, in heat and in cold, riding donkeys and on foot. Young men with him used to tire from such exertions, but not Sheikh Abdullah Azzam.
He changed the minds of Muslims about the Jihad in Afghanistan and presented the Jihad as an Islamic cause which concerned all Muslims around the world. Due to his efforts, the Afghani Jihad became universal in which Muslims from every part of the world participated. Soon, volunteer Islamic fighters began to travel to Afghanistan from the four corners of the Earth, to fulfil their obligation of Jihad and in defence of their oppressed Muslim brothers and sisters.
The Sheikh's life revolved around a single goal, namely the establishment of Allah's Rule on earth, this being the clear responsibility of each and every Muslim. So in order to accomplish his life's noble mission of restoring the Khilafah, the Sheikh focused on Jihad (the armed struggle to establish Islam). He believed Jihad must be carried out until the Khilafah (Islamic Rule) is established so the light of Islam may shine on the whole world.
Sheikh Abdullah Azzam made Jihad in every possible way, responding to the call of Allah:
"Go forth, light and heavy, and strive with your selves and your wealth in the path of Allah. That is better for you, if only you knew." [Quran, 9:41]
Translation : Pergilah kamu beramai-ramai (untuk berperang pada jalan Allah), samada dengan keadaan ringan (dan mudah bergerak) ataupun dengan keadaan berat (disebabkan berbagai-bagai tanggungjawab) dan berjihadlah dengan harta benda dan jiwa kamu pada jalan Allah (untuk membela Islam). Yang demikian amatlah baik bagi kamu, jika kamu mengetahui.
He reared his family also, in the same spirit, so that his wife, for example, engaged in orphan care and other humanitarian work in Afghanistan. He refused teaching positions at a number of universities, declaring that he would not quit Jihad until he was either martyred or assassinated. He used to reiterate that his ultimate goal was still to liberate Palestine. He was once quoted as saying,
" Never shall I leave the Land of Jihad, except in three circumstances. Either I shall be killed in Afghanistan. Either I shall be killed in Peshawar. Or either I shall be handcuffed and expelled from Pakistan."
Jihad in Afghanistan had made Abdullah Azzam the main pillar of the Jihad movement in the modern times. Through taking part in this Jihad, and through promoting and clarifying the obstacles which have been erected in the path of Jihad, he played a significant role in changing the minds of Muslims about Jihad and the need for it. He was a role model for the young generation that responded to the call of Jihad. He had a great appreciation for Jihad and the need for it. Once he said,
" I feel that I am nine years old: seven-and-a-half years in the Afghan Jihad, one-and-a-half years in the Jihad in Palestine, and the rest of the years have no value."
From his pulpit Sheikh Azzam was always reiterating his conviction that:
"Jihad must not be abandoned until Allah (SWT) Alone is worshipped. Jihad continues until Allah's Word is raised high. Jihad until all the oppressed peoples are freed. Jihad to protect our dignity and restore our occupied lands. Jihad is the way of everlasting glory."
History, as well as anyone who knew Sheikh Abdullah Azzam closely, all testify to his courage in speaking the truth, regardless of the consequences. He always bore in mind the command of Allah to: "Proclaim openly that which you were commanded, and turn away from the polytheists ( Mushrikeen)." [Quran, 15:94].
On every occasion Sheikh Abdullah Azzam reminded all Muslims that,
"Muslims cannot be defeated by others. We Muslims are not defeated by our enemies, but instead, we are defeated by our own selves."
He was a fine example of Islamic manners, in his piety, his devotion to Allah and his modesty in all things. He would never adulate in his relations with others. Sheikh Azzam always listened to the youth, he was dignified and did not allow fear to have access to his brave heart. He practised continual fasting especially the alternate daily fasting routine of Prophet Dawud (SAW). He strongly counselled others to practice fasting on Mondays and Thursdays. The Sheikh was a man of uprightness, honesty and virtue, and was never heard to slander others or to talk unpleaasently about an individual Muslim.
The last days of as-Sheikh Abdullah Azzam
As the Jihad in Afghanistan went on, he was succeeding in uniting together all the various fighting groups in the Afghani Jihad. Naturally, such a pride to Islam caused great distress to the enemies of this religion, and they plotted to eliminate him. In 1989 CE, a lethal amount of TNT explosive was placed beneath the pulpit from which he delivered the sermon every Friday. It was such a formidable quantity that if it had exploded, it would have destroyed the mosque, together with everything and everybody in it. Hundreds of Muslims would have been killed, but Allah provided protection and the bomb did not explode.
The enemies, determined to accomplish their ugly task, tried another plot in Peshawar, shortly after this in the same year When Allah (SWT) willed that Sheikh Abdullah Azzam should leave this world to be in His closest company (we hope that it is so), the Sheikh departed in a glorious manner. The day was Friday, 24 November 1989.
The enemies of Allah planted three bombs on a road so narrow only a single car could travel on it. It was the road Sheikh Abdullah Azzam would use to drive to the Friday Prayer. That Friday, the Sheikh, together with two of his own sons, Ibrahim and Muhammad, and with one of the sons of the late Sheikh Tameem Adnani (another hero of the Afghan Jihad), drove along the road. The car stopped at the position of the first bomb, and the Sheikh alighted to walk the remainder of the way. The enemies, lying in wait, then exploded the bomb. A loud explosion and a great thundering were heard all over the city.
People emerged from the mosque, and beheld a terrible scene. Only a small fragment of the car remained. The young son Ibrahim flew 100 metres into the air; the other two youths were thrown a similar distance away, and their remains were scattered among the trees and power lines. As for Sheikh Abdullah Azzam himself, his body was found resting against a wall, totally intact and not at all disfigured, except that some blood was seen issuing from his mouth.
That fateful blast indeed ended the worldly journey of Sheikh Abdullah Azzam which had been spent well in struggling, striving and fighting in the Path of Allah (SWT). It also secured his more real and eternal life in the gardens of Paradise - we ask Allah that it is so -, that he will enjoy along with the illustrious company of "those on whom is the Grace of Allah, the Prophets, the Sincere ones, the Martyrs and the Righteous. The Best of company are they." [Quran, 4:69].
It was in this way that this great hero and reformer of Islam departed from the arena of Jihad and from this world, never to return. He was buried in the Pabi Graveyard of the Shuhadaa' in Peshawar, where he joined hundreds of other Shuhadaa'. May Allah accept him as a martyr, and grant him the highest station in Paradise. The struggle which he stood for continues, despite the enemies of Islam. There is not a Land of Jihad today in the world, nor a Mujahid fighting in Allah's Way, who is not inspired by the life, teachings and works of Sheikh Abdullah Azzam (May Allah have Mercy on him).
We ask Allah (SWT) to accept the deeds of Sheikh Abdullah Azzam and bring him to the Highest Part of Paradise. We ask Allah (SWT) to raise up for this Ummah more Sheikhs of this calibre, who take their knowledge to the battlefield rather than confining it in books.
With this article, we record the events of Islamic history which took place in the ten years from 1979 to 1989, and continue to happen. As Sheikh Abdullah Azzam himself once said,
" Indeed Islamic history is not written except with the blood of the Shuhadaa', except with the stories of the Shuhadaa' and except with the examples of the Shuhadaa'. "
"They seek to extinguish the light of Allah by their mouths. But Allah refuses save to perfect His light, even if the disbelievers are averse. It is He who has sent His messenger with the guidance and the true religion, in order that He may make it prevail over all religions, even if the pagans are averse." [Quran, 9:32-33].
[taken from www.azzam.com] (website is no longer available)
Jihad Against The Kuffar
Excerpts from the book "Defence of the Muslim Lands"
by Dr. Abdullah Azzaam (May Allah accept him as Shaheed)
Offensive Jihaad (where the enemy is attacked in his own territory).
Where the Kuffar are not gathering to fight the Muslims. The fighting becomes Fard Kifaya with the minimum requirement of appointing believers to guard borders, and the sending of an army at least once a year to terrorize the enemies of Allah. It is a duty of upon the Imam to assemble and send out an army unit into the land of war once or twice every year. Moreover, it is the responsibility of the Muslim population to assist him, and if he does not send an army he is in sin.
And the Ulama have mentioned that this type of jihaad is for maintaining the payment of Jizya. The scholars of the principles of religion have also said: "Jihaad is Da'wah with a force, and is obligatory to perform with all available capabilities, until there remains only Muslims or people who submit to Islam."
Defensive Jihaad
This is expelling the Kuffar from our land, and it is Fard Ayn, a compulsory duty upon all. It is the most important of the compulsory duties and arises in the following conditions:
A) If the Kuffar enter a land of the Muslims.
B) If the rows meet in battle and they begin to approach each other.
C) If the Imaam calls a person or a people to march forward then they must march.
D) If the Kuffaar capture and imprison a group of Muslims.
The First Condition: If the Kuffaar Enter a Muslim Land.
In this condition the pious predecessors, those who succeeded them, the Ulama of the four Madhabs (Maliki, Hanafi, Shaffie and Hanbali), the Muhadditheen, and the Tafseer commentators, are agreed that in all Islamic ages, Jihaad under this condition becomes Fard Ayn upon the Muslims of the land which the Kuffar have attacked and upon the Muslims close by, where the children will march forth without the permission of the parents, the wife without the permission of her husband and the debtor without the permission of the creditor. And, if the Muslims of this land cannot expel the Kuffaar because of lack of forces, because they slacken, are indolent or simply do not act, then the Fard Ayn obligation spreads in the shape of a circle from the nearest to the next nearest. If they too slacken or there is again a shortage of manpower, then it is upon the people behind them, and on the people behind them, to march forward. This process continues until it becomes Fard Ayn upon the whole world.
Sheikh Ibn Taymia says on this topic: "About the defensive jihaad, which is repelling an aggressor, is the most tasking type of jihaad. As agreed upon by everyone, it is obligatory to protect the religion and what is sacred. The first obligation after Iman is the repulsion of the enemy aggressor who assaults the religion and the worldly affairs. There are no conditional requirements such as supplies or transport, rather he is fought with all immediate capability. The Ulama, our peers and others have spoken about this." Ibn Taymia supports his opinion of the absence of the requirement of transport in his reply to the Judge who said: "If jihaad becomes Fard Ayn upon the people of a country, one of the requirements, in comparison to Hajj, is that one must have supplies and a ride if the distance is such that one shortens the prayer". Ibn Taymia said: "What the Judge has said in comparison to Hajj has not been stated before by anybody and is a weak argument. Jihaad is obligatory because it is for the repulsion of the harm of the enemy, therefore it has priority over Hijr . For Hijr no transport is considered necessary. Of the jihaads some take priority. It is furthered in a sahih hadith narrated by Ebaad Bin Asaamat that the Prophet (saw) said: "It is upon the Muslim to listen and obey in hardship and prosperity, in what he likes and dislikes, and even if he is not given his rights". Therefore, the pillar of the most important of obligations, is the marching forward in times of hardship as well as prosperity. As has been stated, contrary to Hajj, the obligation remains present in times of hardship. And this is in offensive jihaad. So it is clear that defensive jihaad carries a greater degree of obligation. To defend the sacred things and the religion from the aggressor is obligatory, as agreed upon by everyone. The first obligation after Iman is repulsion of the enemy aggressor who assaults the religion and the worldly affairs". Now we look at the opinions of the four Madhabs who are all in agreement on this point.
Opinions of the Mathhabs
Hanafi Fiqh
Ibn Aabidin said : "Jihaad becomes Fard Ayn if the enemy attacks one of the borders of the Muslims, and it becomes Fard Ayn upon those close by. For those who are far away, it is Fard Kifaya, if their assistance is not required. If they are needed, perhaps because those nearby the attack cannot resist the enemy, or are indolent and do not fight jihaad, then it becomes Fard Ayn upon those behind them, like the obligation to pray and fast. There is no room for them to leave it. If they too are unable, then it becomes Fard Ayn upon those behind them, and so on in the same manner until the jihaad becomes Fard Ayn upon the whole Ummah of Islam from the East to the West".
And the following have like Fatawa: Al Kassani, Ibn Najim and Ibn Hammam.
Maliki Fiqh
In Hashiyat ad Dussuqi it is stated: Jihaad becomes Fard Ayn upon a surprise attack by the enemy. Dussuqi said: "Wherever this happens, jihaad immediately becomes Fard Ayn upon everybody, even women, slaves and children, and they march out even if their guardians, husbands and creditors forbid them to."
Shaffie Fiqh
In the Nihayat al Mahtaj by Ramli: "If they approach one of our lands and the distance between them and us becomes less than the distance permitting the shortening of prayers, then the people of that territory must defend it and it becomes Fard Ayn even upon the people for whom there is usually no jihaad; the poor, the children, the slaves, the debtor and the women."
Hanbali Fiqh
In Al Mughni by Ibn al Qudamah: "Jihaad becomes Fard Ayn in three situations:
1) If the two sides meet in battle and they approach each other.
2) If the Kuffar enter a land, jihaad becomes Fard Ayn upon its people.
3) If the Imam calls a people to march forward it is obligatory upon them to march forward."
And Ibn Taymia remarked: "If the enemy enters a Muslim land, there is no doubt that it is obligatory for the closest and then the next closest to repel him, because the Muslim lands are like one land. It is obligatory to march to the territory even without the permission of parents or creditor, and narrations reported by Ahmad are clear on this."
This situation is known as the General March.
Excerpts from the book "Defence of the Muslim Lands"
by Dr. Abdullah Azzaam (May Allah accept him as Shaheed)
Offensive Jihaad (where the enemy is attacked in his own territory).
Where the Kuffar are not gathering to fight the Muslims. The fighting becomes Fard Kifaya with the minimum requirement of appointing believers to guard borders, and the sending of an army at least once a year to terrorize the enemies of Allah. It is a duty of upon the Imam to assemble and send out an army unit into the land of war once or twice every year. Moreover, it is the responsibility of the Muslim population to assist him, and if he does not send an army he is in sin.
And the Ulama have mentioned that this type of jihaad is for maintaining the payment of Jizya. The scholars of the principles of religion have also said: "Jihaad is Da'wah with a force, and is obligatory to perform with all available capabilities, until there remains only Muslims or people who submit to Islam."
Defensive Jihaad
This is expelling the Kuffar from our land, and it is Fard Ayn, a compulsory duty upon all. It is the most important of the compulsory duties and arises in the following conditions:
A) If the Kuffar enter a land of the Muslims.
B) If the rows meet in battle and they begin to approach each other.
C) If the Imaam calls a person or a people to march forward then they must march.
D) If the Kuffaar capture and imprison a group of Muslims.
The First Condition: If the Kuffaar Enter a Muslim Land.
In this condition the pious predecessors, those who succeeded them, the Ulama of the four Madhabs (Maliki, Hanafi, Shaffie and Hanbali), the Muhadditheen, and the Tafseer commentators, are agreed that in all Islamic ages, Jihaad under this condition becomes Fard Ayn upon the Muslims of the land which the Kuffar have attacked and upon the Muslims close by, where the children will march forth without the permission of the parents, the wife without the permission of her husband and the debtor without the permission of the creditor. And, if the Muslims of this land cannot expel the Kuffaar because of lack of forces, because they slacken, are indolent or simply do not act, then the Fard Ayn obligation spreads in the shape of a circle from the nearest to the next nearest. If they too slacken or there is again a shortage of manpower, then it is upon the people behind them, and on the people behind them, to march forward. This process continues until it becomes Fard Ayn upon the whole world.
Sheikh Ibn Taymia says on this topic: "About the defensive jihaad, which is repelling an aggressor, is the most tasking type of jihaad. As agreed upon by everyone, it is obligatory to protect the religion and what is sacred. The first obligation after Iman is the repulsion of the enemy aggressor who assaults the religion and the worldly affairs. There are no conditional requirements such as supplies or transport, rather he is fought with all immediate capability. The Ulama, our peers and others have spoken about this." Ibn Taymia supports his opinion of the absence of the requirement of transport in his reply to the Judge who said: "If jihaad becomes Fard Ayn upon the people of a country, one of the requirements, in comparison to Hajj, is that one must have supplies and a ride if the distance is such that one shortens the prayer". Ibn Taymia said: "What the Judge has said in comparison to Hajj has not been stated before by anybody and is a weak argument. Jihaad is obligatory because it is for the repulsion of the harm of the enemy, therefore it has priority over Hijr . For Hijr no transport is considered necessary. Of the jihaads some take priority. It is furthered in a sahih hadith narrated by Ebaad Bin Asaamat that the Prophet (saw) said: "It is upon the Muslim to listen and obey in hardship and prosperity, in what he likes and dislikes, and even if he is not given his rights". Therefore, the pillar of the most important of obligations, is the marching forward in times of hardship as well as prosperity. As has been stated, contrary to Hajj, the obligation remains present in times of hardship. And this is in offensive jihaad. So it is clear that defensive jihaad carries a greater degree of obligation. To defend the sacred things and the religion from the aggressor is obligatory, as agreed upon by everyone. The first obligation after Iman is repulsion of the enemy aggressor who assaults the religion and the worldly affairs". Now we look at the opinions of the four Madhabs who are all in agreement on this point.
Opinions of the Mathhabs
Hanafi Fiqh
Ibn Aabidin said : "Jihaad becomes Fard Ayn if the enemy attacks one of the borders of the Muslims, and it becomes Fard Ayn upon those close by. For those who are far away, it is Fard Kifaya, if their assistance is not required. If they are needed, perhaps because those nearby the attack cannot resist the enemy, or are indolent and do not fight jihaad, then it becomes Fard Ayn upon those behind them, like the obligation to pray and fast. There is no room for them to leave it. If they too are unable, then it becomes Fard Ayn upon those behind them, and so on in the same manner until the jihaad becomes Fard Ayn upon the whole Ummah of Islam from the East to the West".
And the following have like Fatawa: Al Kassani, Ibn Najim and Ibn Hammam.
Maliki Fiqh
In Hashiyat ad Dussuqi it is stated: Jihaad becomes Fard Ayn upon a surprise attack by the enemy. Dussuqi said: "Wherever this happens, jihaad immediately becomes Fard Ayn upon everybody, even women, slaves and children, and they march out even if their guardians, husbands and creditors forbid them to."
Shaffie Fiqh
In the Nihayat al Mahtaj by Ramli: "If they approach one of our lands and the distance between them and us becomes less than the distance permitting the shortening of prayers, then the people of that territory must defend it and it becomes Fard Ayn even upon the people for whom there is usually no jihaad; the poor, the children, the slaves, the debtor and the women."
Hanbali Fiqh
In Al Mughni by Ibn al Qudamah: "Jihaad becomes Fard Ayn in three situations:
1) If the two sides meet in battle and they approach each other.
2) If the Kuffar enter a land, jihaad becomes Fard Ayn upon its people.
3) If the Imam calls a people to march forward it is obligatory upon them to march forward."
And Ibn Taymia remarked: "If the enemy enters a Muslim land, there is no doubt that it is obligatory for the closest and then the next closest to repel him, because the Muslim lands are like one land. It is obligatory to march to the territory even without the permission of parents or creditor, and narrations reported by Ahmad are clear on this."
This situation is known as the General March.
Tuesday, July 15, 2003
Cerita pilihan
Kisah Fudhalah ibn Umair
Ibnu Hisyam meriwayatkan bahawa Fudhalah ibn Umair al Laits telah cuba hendak membunuh Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam yang sedang bertawaf di Ka'bah pada hari pembukaan Mekah. Manakala ia hampir kepada Rasulullah, tiba tiba baginda berkata, "Kamu Fudhalah?" Jawabnya, "Ya saya Fudhalah wahai Rasulullah" Kata Rasulullah "Apa yang kamu bisikkan dalam hati kamu wahai Fudhalah?" Jawabnya "Tak ada apa apa, saya cuma mengingati ALlah" Lalu baginda pun tertawa dan berkata "Pohonkan ampun dari ALlah.." Kemudian baginda meletakkan tangannya ke atas dada Fudhalah, maka tenanglah perasaannya. Fudhalah sendiri menceritakan "...belum pun sempat Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam mengangkat tangannya dari dadaku, sudahpun terasa padaku tidak ada makhluq ALlah yang lebih kukasihi selain darinya"
Maka pulanglah Fudhalah ke rumahnya. Dalam perjalanan, bertemulah dia dengan seorang wanita yang meminatinya. Kata wanita itu "Marilah kita berbual". Fudhalah menceritakan peristiwa itu melalui syairnya, mafhumnya :
Dia berkata: Marilah kita berbual, maka tidak! kata saya
Kerana ALlah dan Islam telahpun melarang saya
Saya telah melihat Muhammad baru sekejap sebelum ini
Muhammad dengan kemenangannya memusnahkan semua patung dan berhala
jelaslah agama ALlah itu terang dan nyata
Sedangkan syirik membawa kegelapan menutupi muka
Menurut sumber-sumber yang kawan baca, Fudhalah ni salah seorang daripada org Munafiq masa dia nak bunuh Rasulullah tu tapi selepas peristiwa ini, dia berubah menjadi orang yang kuat pegangan Islamnya dan tidak lagi menjadi orang yang Munafiq. Ada dua pengajaran yang boleh diambik dari kisah ni. Pertamanya bagaimana teknik Rasulullah tekel orang-orang yang munafiq ni hatta sampai orang yang nak membunuh baginda sendiri pun, Rasulullah boleh lagi tertawa dan dengan tenang berbual dengan Fudhalah. Rasulullah tau Fudhalah tu nak bunuh baginda tapi baginda tak pun datang marah Fudhalah pastu tangkap ke apa ke. Dengan tenang Rasulullah tanya Fudhalah, apa yang dia tengah pikir sekarang, bukannya tanya, hang mai ni nak bunuh aku ka? lepas tu dengan senyuman dan tawa baginda, dengan tenang baginda meletakkan tangan pada Fudhalah dan menasihatinya supaya mintak ampun pada ALlah. Betapa indah dan bijaksananya teknik dakwah Rasulullah. Inilah antara satu sikap yang perlu kita asimilasikan dalam hidup kita sebagai pendakwah bukan main hentam keromo je, ye tak? Kalau tak nanti sapa pun tak nak dengar cakap kita, lagi la haru.
Pengajaran kedua, kita boleh nampak macam mana keteguhan iman para sahabat melalui syair-syair yang diucapkan oleh mereka semua. Lagi sekali peranan syair dan puisi tu digunakan utk mendekatkan diri pada ALlah. Dalam syair ni, Fudhalah menceritakan macam mana perempuan yang minat kat dia tu ajak dia berbual-bual. Uih, kalu kita sekarang ni...pompuan tu minat kat kita...pastu kita pun syok kat pompuan tu...mesti kita layan gak pompuan tu kan? Tapi disebabkan cintanya kepada ALlah dan Rasulullah sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam walaupun baru kejap berjumpa dengan Rasulullah, dia tolak pelawaan pompuan tu bulat-bulat sampai ada syair lagi yang dia buat disebabkan peristiwa ni. Semoga kita semua mendapat manfaat dari kisah ini utk kita gunakan dalam kehidupan kita seharian...(dan juga dalam menulis puisi, sajak dan syair ^_^)
Ibnu Hisyam meriwayatkan bahawa Fudhalah ibn Umair al Laits telah cuba hendak membunuh Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam yang sedang bertawaf di Ka'bah pada hari pembukaan Mekah. Manakala ia hampir kepada Rasulullah, tiba tiba baginda berkata, "Kamu Fudhalah?" Jawabnya, "Ya saya Fudhalah wahai Rasulullah" Kata Rasulullah "Apa yang kamu bisikkan dalam hati kamu wahai Fudhalah?" Jawabnya "Tak ada apa apa, saya cuma mengingati ALlah" Lalu baginda pun tertawa dan berkata "Pohonkan ampun dari ALlah.." Kemudian baginda meletakkan tangannya ke atas dada Fudhalah, maka tenanglah perasaannya. Fudhalah sendiri menceritakan "...belum pun sempat Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam mengangkat tangannya dari dadaku, sudahpun terasa padaku tidak ada makhluq ALlah yang lebih kukasihi selain darinya"
Maka pulanglah Fudhalah ke rumahnya. Dalam perjalanan, bertemulah dia dengan seorang wanita yang meminatinya. Kata wanita itu "Marilah kita berbual". Fudhalah menceritakan peristiwa itu melalui syairnya, mafhumnya :
Dia berkata: Marilah kita berbual, maka tidak! kata saya
Kerana ALlah dan Islam telahpun melarang saya
Saya telah melihat Muhammad baru sekejap sebelum ini
Muhammad dengan kemenangannya memusnahkan semua patung dan berhala
jelaslah agama ALlah itu terang dan nyata
Sedangkan syirik membawa kegelapan menutupi muka
Menurut sumber-sumber yang kawan baca, Fudhalah ni salah seorang daripada org Munafiq masa dia nak bunuh Rasulullah tu tapi selepas peristiwa ini, dia berubah menjadi orang yang kuat pegangan Islamnya dan tidak lagi menjadi orang yang Munafiq. Ada dua pengajaran yang boleh diambik dari kisah ni. Pertamanya bagaimana teknik Rasulullah tekel orang-orang yang munafiq ni hatta sampai orang yang nak membunuh baginda sendiri pun, Rasulullah boleh lagi tertawa dan dengan tenang berbual dengan Fudhalah. Rasulullah tau Fudhalah tu nak bunuh baginda tapi baginda tak pun datang marah Fudhalah pastu tangkap ke apa ke. Dengan tenang Rasulullah tanya Fudhalah, apa yang dia tengah pikir sekarang, bukannya tanya, hang mai ni nak bunuh aku ka? lepas tu dengan senyuman dan tawa baginda, dengan tenang baginda meletakkan tangan pada Fudhalah dan menasihatinya supaya mintak ampun pada ALlah. Betapa indah dan bijaksananya teknik dakwah Rasulullah. Inilah antara satu sikap yang perlu kita asimilasikan dalam hidup kita sebagai pendakwah bukan main hentam keromo je, ye tak? Kalau tak nanti sapa pun tak nak dengar cakap kita, lagi la haru.
Pengajaran kedua, kita boleh nampak macam mana keteguhan iman para sahabat melalui syair-syair yang diucapkan oleh mereka semua. Lagi sekali peranan syair dan puisi tu digunakan utk mendekatkan diri pada ALlah. Dalam syair ni, Fudhalah menceritakan macam mana perempuan yang minat kat dia tu ajak dia berbual-bual. Uih, kalu kita sekarang ni...pompuan tu minat kat kita...pastu kita pun syok kat pompuan tu...mesti kita layan gak pompuan tu kan? Tapi disebabkan cintanya kepada ALlah dan Rasulullah sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam walaupun baru kejap berjumpa dengan Rasulullah, dia tolak pelawaan pompuan tu bulat-bulat sampai ada syair lagi yang dia buat disebabkan peristiwa ni. Semoga kita semua mendapat manfaat dari kisah ini utk kita gunakan dalam kehidupan kita seharian...(dan juga dalam menulis puisi, sajak dan syair ^_^)
Monday, July 14, 2003
Madah dan Syair Para Mujahid
Madah dan syair para syuhada' Mu'tah.
Syair Abdullah bin Rawahah sewaktu melangkah pergi ke medan Mu'tah, tempat syahidnya beliau Radhiallahu 'anhu. Syair ini jawapan beliau kepada laungan kaum Muslimin "ALlah menemani kamu dan mempertahankan kamu dan memulangkan kamu kepada kami dalam keadaan yang baik"...
Tetapi aku memohon keampunan dari ar-Rahman
Di samping sebilah pedang yang memancungku
Memancutkan darahku
Atau sebatang tombak menusuk dadaku
Mengoyak dadaku, mengoyak hati jantungku
Supaya orang yang melintasi atas pusaraku berkata:
Wahai ALlah, pejuang-Mu telah menempah kejayaan
ALlah telah menganugerahkan kurniaan kepada pejuang
Pejuang-Mu telah mendapat hidayat dari-Mu
Madah Ja'far bin Abi Talib ketika berjuang dan bergelut di medan Mu'tah, selepas turun dari kudanya, dan selepas kudanya dibunuh supaya tidak terganggu. Dengan suara yang tinggi, Ja'far bermadah
Alangkah indahnya syurga
Nah, kita telah hampir kepadanya
Syurga yang serba baik isinya
Sejuk nyaman airnya
Enak minumannya
Tibalah sudah
Azab ke atas bangsa Rome
Rome bangsa kafir
Yang memeranginya pasti saya
Ja'far kemudiannya gugur syahid dengan lima puluh bekas tikaman yang semuanya di bahagian hadapan badannya
Madah Abdullah bin Rawahah selepas mengambil panji Islam dari Ja'far yang gugur syahid. Dengan suara yang lantang, beliau bermadah...
Oh hatiku, oh diriku
Engkau harus mara, samada dipaksa atau rela
Hidupku yang tenang telah ke belakang
Engkau sebenarnya berasal dari setitis mani
Lihat di sana musuh-musuh kafir yang sedang mara
Ke arah muslimin, seolah-olah ditarik
Apakah engkau tidak rindukan Syurga?
Andainya engkau tidak dibunuh
Mati juga engkau akhirnya
Abdullah bin Rawahah juga akhirnya syahid di medan Mu'tah bersama-sama Zaid bin Harithah dan Ja'far bin Abu Talib. Panji Islam kemudiannya diserahkan kepada Pedang ALlah - Khalid bin Al-Walid.
Best tak? Nak tunjukkan yang bakat bersyair dan bermadah pun boleh digunakan ke jalan yang baik dan terpuji. Abdullah bin Rawahah r.a memang terkenal sebagai penyair....memang hebat bakat dia ni. Dan yang bestnye, bakat beliau digunakan semasa jihad utk merangsang dan menaikkan semangat para pejuang Islam supaya terus bertempur sehingga syahid atau menang. Lihatlah betapa indahnya Islam, sedangkan sekecik2 perkara hatta bersyair dan bermadah sekalipun, boleh digunakan utk tujuan berjuang menegakkan kalam ALlah di muka bumi ini. So sapa2 yang terer bersyair, bermadah, bergurindam, berpuisi, bersajak dan bersastera tu, gunakan la bakat tu utk tulis sajak2 jihad pulak..hehehe.
Bercakap pasal sajak jihad ni, teringat seorang mujahid yang juga seorang ulama'..namanya Abdullah ibnul Mubarak. Beliau menulis sepucuk surat yang juga sebuah sajak kepada mufti Makkah pada masa tu dan juga seorang ulama', Fudhail bin 'Iyaad. Beliau ketika itu sedang berjihad, kalau tak silap di Afghanistan. Surat tersebut berbunyik :
Wahai orang yang beribadat di Haramain (Mekkah dan Madinah)
Seandainya kamu melihat kami di sini (di medan jihad)
Pasti kamu akan mengetahui
sesungguhnya kamu dengan amal ibadat kamu
adalah bermain-main sahaja
Versi arab :
Ya 'aabidal haramaini
Lau absortana
La'alimta annaka bil 'ibadati tal'abu
Seandainya pipi-pipi kamu
dibasahi dengan air mata
Maka leher-leher kami
Dibasahi dengan darah-darah kami...
Versi arab:
Lau kana yakhdibu khaddabu bidumu'ihi
Fanuhuuruna bi dimaa'ina tatakhaddabu
Fudhail bin Iyaad mengalirkan air mata dan menangis mengenangkan betapa benarnya kata Abdullah ibnul Mubarak lalu dia pun meninggalkan jawatan mufti tersebut dan turut serta berjuang di Afghanistan (menurut cerita sorang ust. Jordan). Syair ni kawan tau secara lengkapnye cakap arab, tapi tak tangkap lagi maknanye. Tak sempat berguru lagi. Syair ni dah pun dinasyidkan dalam bahasa arab. Sapa-sapa nak dengar, sila klik link kat kanan tu....nasyid-nasyid arab. Cari tajuk Ya 'abidal haramain. Sedih oo dengar. Especially bila imam tu baca ayat ni. Surah Aali Imran ayat 169 & 170 (jazakillahu khairan kathira pd lukluk sebab carikan)
[169] Dan jangan sekali-kali engkau menyangka orang-orang yang terbunuh (yang gugur Syahid) pada jalan Allah itu mati, (mereka tidak mati) bahkan mereka adalah hidup (secara istimewa) di sisi Tuhan mereka dengan mendapat rezeki.
[170] (Dan juga) mereka bersukacita dengan kurniaan Allah (balasan mati Syahid) yang telah dilimpahkan kepada mereka dan mereka bergembira dengan berita baik mengenai (saudara-saudaranya) orang-orang (Islam yang sedang berjuang), yang masih tinggal di belakang, yang belum (mati dan belum) sampai kepada mereka, (iaitu) bahawa tidak ada kebimbangan (dari berlakunya kejadian yang tidak baik) terhadap mereka dan mereka pula tidak akan berdukacita
Dengar la lagi nasyid-nasyid arab yang ada dalam link tu. Semuanya syair dan puisi utk para mujahid samada di Palestin, Chechnya, Afghanistan dan lain2. InsyaALlah nanti lepas ni banyak syair dan madah utk para mujahid dalam bahasa Melayu pulak...kan kita ramai bakat menulis kat Msia skang ni...yang melawat blog ni pun ramai yang berbakat sebenarnya...saja je merendah diri..kan kan?
Kata kawan....zaman berpuisi sedih mungkin menghampiri noktah hentinya. Kini zaman berpuisi dan bermadah umpama Abdullah bin Rawahah pula memulakan noktah bida'yahnya. Semoga semangat jihad ini kan mekar subur semekar dan sesubur wangian harum kasturi di pusara seluruh para mujahid yang telah gugur syahid. Aamin ya Rabbal 'alamiin.
Syair Abdullah bin Rawahah sewaktu melangkah pergi ke medan Mu'tah, tempat syahidnya beliau Radhiallahu 'anhu. Syair ini jawapan beliau kepada laungan kaum Muslimin "ALlah menemani kamu dan mempertahankan kamu dan memulangkan kamu kepada kami dalam keadaan yang baik"...
Tetapi aku memohon keampunan dari ar-Rahman
Di samping sebilah pedang yang memancungku
Memancutkan darahku
Atau sebatang tombak menusuk dadaku
Mengoyak dadaku, mengoyak hati jantungku
Supaya orang yang melintasi atas pusaraku berkata:
Wahai ALlah, pejuang-Mu telah menempah kejayaan
ALlah telah menganugerahkan kurniaan kepada pejuang
Pejuang-Mu telah mendapat hidayat dari-Mu
Madah Ja'far bin Abi Talib ketika berjuang dan bergelut di medan Mu'tah, selepas turun dari kudanya, dan selepas kudanya dibunuh supaya tidak terganggu. Dengan suara yang tinggi, Ja'far bermadah
Alangkah indahnya syurga
Nah, kita telah hampir kepadanya
Syurga yang serba baik isinya
Sejuk nyaman airnya
Enak minumannya
Tibalah sudah
Azab ke atas bangsa Rome
Rome bangsa kafir
Yang memeranginya pasti saya
Ja'far kemudiannya gugur syahid dengan lima puluh bekas tikaman yang semuanya di bahagian hadapan badannya
Madah Abdullah bin Rawahah selepas mengambil panji Islam dari Ja'far yang gugur syahid. Dengan suara yang lantang, beliau bermadah...
Oh hatiku, oh diriku
Engkau harus mara, samada dipaksa atau rela
Hidupku yang tenang telah ke belakang
Engkau sebenarnya berasal dari setitis mani
Lihat di sana musuh-musuh kafir yang sedang mara
Ke arah muslimin, seolah-olah ditarik
Apakah engkau tidak rindukan Syurga?
Andainya engkau tidak dibunuh
Mati juga engkau akhirnya
Abdullah bin Rawahah juga akhirnya syahid di medan Mu'tah bersama-sama Zaid bin Harithah dan Ja'far bin Abu Talib. Panji Islam kemudiannya diserahkan kepada Pedang ALlah - Khalid bin Al-Walid.
Best tak? Nak tunjukkan yang bakat bersyair dan bermadah pun boleh digunakan ke jalan yang baik dan terpuji. Abdullah bin Rawahah r.a memang terkenal sebagai penyair....memang hebat bakat dia ni. Dan yang bestnye, bakat beliau digunakan semasa jihad utk merangsang dan menaikkan semangat para pejuang Islam supaya terus bertempur sehingga syahid atau menang. Lihatlah betapa indahnya Islam, sedangkan sekecik2 perkara hatta bersyair dan bermadah sekalipun, boleh digunakan utk tujuan berjuang menegakkan kalam ALlah di muka bumi ini. So sapa2 yang terer bersyair, bermadah, bergurindam, berpuisi, bersajak dan bersastera tu, gunakan la bakat tu utk tulis sajak2 jihad pulak..hehehe.
Bercakap pasal sajak jihad ni, teringat seorang mujahid yang juga seorang ulama'..namanya Abdullah ibnul Mubarak. Beliau menulis sepucuk surat yang juga sebuah sajak kepada mufti Makkah pada masa tu dan juga seorang ulama', Fudhail bin 'Iyaad. Beliau ketika itu sedang berjihad, kalau tak silap di Afghanistan. Surat tersebut berbunyik :
Wahai orang yang beribadat di Haramain (Mekkah dan Madinah)
Seandainya kamu melihat kami di sini (di medan jihad)
Pasti kamu akan mengetahui
sesungguhnya kamu dengan amal ibadat kamu
adalah bermain-main sahaja
Versi arab :
Ya 'aabidal haramaini
Lau absortana
La'alimta annaka bil 'ibadati tal'abu
Seandainya pipi-pipi kamu
dibasahi dengan air mata
Maka leher-leher kami
Dibasahi dengan darah-darah kami...
Versi arab:
Lau kana yakhdibu khaddabu bidumu'ihi
Fanuhuuruna bi dimaa'ina tatakhaddabu
Fudhail bin Iyaad mengalirkan air mata dan menangis mengenangkan betapa benarnya kata Abdullah ibnul Mubarak lalu dia pun meninggalkan jawatan mufti tersebut dan turut serta berjuang di Afghanistan (menurut cerita sorang ust. Jordan). Syair ni kawan tau secara lengkapnye cakap arab, tapi tak tangkap lagi maknanye. Tak sempat berguru lagi. Syair ni dah pun dinasyidkan dalam bahasa arab. Sapa-sapa nak dengar, sila klik link kat kanan tu....nasyid-nasyid arab. Cari tajuk Ya 'abidal haramain. Sedih oo dengar. Especially bila imam tu baca ayat ni. Surah Aali Imran ayat 169 & 170 (jazakillahu khairan kathira pd lukluk sebab carikan)
[169] Dan jangan sekali-kali engkau menyangka orang-orang yang terbunuh (yang gugur Syahid) pada jalan Allah itu mati, (mereka tidak mati) bahkan mereka adalah hidup (secara istimewa) di sisi Tuhan mereka dengan mendapat rezeki.
[170] (Dan juga) mereka bersukacita dengan kurniaan Allah (balasan mati Syahid) yang telah dilimpahkan kepada mereka dan mereka bergembira dengan berita baik mengenai (saudara-saudaranya) orang-orang (Islam yang sedang berjuang), yang masih tinggal di belakang, yang belum (mati dan belum) sampai kepada mereka, (iaitu) bahawa tidak ada kebimbangan (dari berlakunya kejadian yang tidak baik) terhadap mereka dan mereka pula tidak akan berdukacita
Dengar la lagi nasyid-nasyid arab yang ada dalam link tu. Semuanya syair dan puisi utk para mujahid samada di Palestin, Chechnya, Afghanistan dan lain2. InsyaALlah nanti lepas ni banyak syair dan madah utk para mujahid dalam bahasa Melayu pulak...kan kita ramai bakat menulis kat Msia skang ni...yang melawat blog ni pun ramai yang berbakat sebenarnya...saja je merendah diri..kan kan?
Kata kawan....zaman berpuisi sedih mungkin menghampiri noktah hentinya. Kini zaman berpuisi dan bermadah umpama Abdullah bin Rawahah pula memulakan noktah bida'yahnya. Semoga semangat jihad ini kan mekar subur semekar dan sesubur wangian harum kasturi di pusara seluruh para mujahid yang telah gugur syahid. Aamin ya Rabbal 'alamiin.
Tuesday, July 08, 2003
Result is out!
Alhamdulillah. Selepas berhempas pulas selama lebih kurang 4 taun kawan belajar kat Imperial College yang tercinta ni, akhirnya semalam keluar pun result kawan. Kawan berjaya grad dan lulus dengan pangkat 2:1 ataupun Second Class Upper ataupun ....err...apa ek cakap melayunye...tak reti kawan nak translate. takpe le. Basically tu le. Kawan bersyukur banyak-banyak sebab dekat dekat nak exam hari tu..banyak masalah yang menimpa kawan...tapi alhamdulillah...kawan berjaya lepas test tu dengan rahmat dan bantuan ALlah....dan resultnye...dapat la 2:1. Kawan memang la mengharapkan miracle utk dapat first class tapi bagi kawan, 2:1 tu pun dah bagus. Dah le kawan ni tak stadi. Asik main game je. Dekat-dekat nak exam hari tu lagi la teruk, final year project kawan hampir-hampir fail sebab computer kawan buat hal pulak...abis sumer data hilang. Tinggal sebulan lebih skit je nak deadline. Alhamdulillah ALlah banyak kasik bantuan sampai akhirnya kawan dapat jugak siapkan project tu dalam tempoh yang agak impossible jugak nak siap.
So sekarang ni kawan punya next step in life, bertungkus lumus pulak mintak keja. Kawan punya target nak keja bidang kawan le...ICT, telecommunication, computing, electrical/electronic engineering etc. Sekarang ni hari-hari abis keja cleaner je terus gi main internet nak mintak keja. Malam-malam, duduk kat bilik sorang-sorang, stadi buku-buku pasal mintak keja, tips-tips interview dan sebagainya. Kawan berharap sangat dapat keja kat sini sebab kawan nak dapat experience keja dgn mat saleh kat sini. Mat saleh punya style keja kan lain dgn malaysian ye tak? Tu yang kawan nak sangat pengalaman tu. Boleh jugak kawan improve kawan punya English.
Sambil-sambil seronok mintak keja ni, kawan still tak lupa cita-cita kawan nak tingkatkan ilmu agama. Alhamdulillah dah banyak jugak buku Fiqh Sirah dgn Raheeq al Makhtum tu yang kawan baca. Seronok sangat, especially bila dia citer every details....contohnya masa perang. Fuh...meremang bulu roma. Hehe. Lagi satu kitab yang sedang dikaji ...Riyadhus Salihin (Taman Orang-orang Saleh) yang mengumpulkan hadith-hadith yang bermanfaat dalam kehidupan seharian. Nak carik fadhilat-fadhilat amalan sumer banyak dalam kitab tu. Sila le baca. Tafsir Quran pun kawan tengah stadi jugak...especially Tafsir Fi Zilalil Quran tulisan As Syahid Syed Qutb. Kawan suka baca tafsir ni sebab bahasa dia mudah...dan banyak membincangkan bab haraki. Tafsir Ibnu Kathir best jugak tapi tinggi sangat level dia...belum termampu lagi kawan nak capai. Biar kawan abis baca Tafsir Fi Zilalil Quran ni dulu.
Semalam kawan try try cari basketball court. Dah bergoncang dah tulang-tulang sebab dah lama tak bersenam. asik cuci jamban je tak best gak. So kawan pun meronda-ronda sekitar hall yang kawan baru duduk ni. Jumpa la satu kawasan permainan budak-budak...ramai la budak-budak main kat situ. Siap ada sand pit lagi....err...apa ek dlm bahasa melayu....cam tempat berpasir utk budak-budak main pasir...konon macam kat pantai la. Lepas tu kawan nampak satu basketball court cum futsal court. On one side, budak-budak main bola, on the other side ada basketball rim. Kawan pun tunjuk la macho ngan budak-budak tu...main basketball dgn skill kawan yang ada ni. Hehehe. Sekali diorang sumer punya la peramah. Kawan dapat tiga orang kawan budak2 semalam. Igor, Nello dgn Christopher. Sumer comel-comel. Bising pulak mulut diorang. Seronok main. Diorang tak shoot, diorang pakat main passing kat kawan je. Kawan je yang tukang shoot. Kawan pun tunjuk la skill skit2. Sekali kena puji...hehehe. Diorang cakap "You're good, man!", "Nice jump!", "You can jump so high!"....hehehe. Kawan setakat mengembangkan diri je le. Kawan rasa umur diorang dalam umur budak2 darjah satu darjah dua je camtu. Teringat anak-anak sedara kawan kat Msia. Rindu pulak kat diorang....err...anak sedara yang kecik2 je ye...hehehe. Yang besar cam missapple tak masuk list. Kawan main basketball sampai dekat-dekat nak terbenam matahari. Kadang-kadang tu main kejar-kejar bola dgn diorang. Ada sekali tu kawan peluk Christopher pastu dukung dia...hehehe...sebab tak kasik dia amik bola. Rasa cam main ngan anak sedara sendiri lak. Diorang pun baik2 sumer. Masa kawan nak balik tu Christopher tu siap nak ikut kawan lak..hehehe. Kang bawak jadi adik angkat kang baru tau. Hari ni rasa cam nak main lagi...tapi tengok le...kalau penat kawan malas nak main. Nak prepare minda utk keja esok lak.
Tima kasih la kat sumer ye sebab menggalakkan lagi kawan tulis puisi. Ala...bukan hebat sangat pun...tengok lukluk balas balik tu..Fuh....macam berbalas pantun pulak. Bila kawan nak jawab balik puisi dia pun tak tau. Nanti le. Bila kawan duduk sensorang dalam bilik nanti kawan tulis lagi. Lukluk...bersedia utk round kedua...sesi berbalas puisi..hehehe.
Sebelum terlupa...kawan ada satu pantun ...tetiba je teringat pantun ni. Pemberi semangat...dan jugak susulan dari puisi di bawah ni.
Apa diharap padi seberang
Entah berisi entahkan tidak
Apa diharap kasihnya orang
Entah sudi entahkan tidak
chewah...jawab jawab jangan tak jawab. Nanti kawan menulis lagi. Hati ini makin meronta-ronta untuk mempersembahkan segala yang telah terakam dari pengalaman hidupnya yang sepi. ^_^
So sekarang ni kawan punya next step in life, bertungkus lumus pulak mintak keja. Kawan punya target nak keja bidang kawan le...ICT, telecommunication, computing, electrical/electronic engineering etc. Sekarang ni hari-hari abis keja cleaner je terus gi main internet nak mintak keja. Malam-malam, duduk kat bilik sorang-sorang, stadi buku-buku pasal mintak keja, tips-tips interview dan sebagainya. Kawan berharap sangat dapat keja kat sini sebab kawan nak dapat experience keja dgn mat saleh kat sini. Mat saleh punya style keja kan lain dgn malaysian ye tak? Tu yang kawan nak sangat pengalaman tu. Boleh jugak kawan improve kawan punya English.
Sambil-sambil seronok mintak keja ni, kawan still tak lupa cita-cita kawan nak tingkatkan ilmu agama. Alhamdulillah dah banyak jugak buku Fiqh Sirah dgn Raheeq al Makhtum tu yang kawan baca. Seronok sangat, especially bila dia citer every details....contohnya masa perang. Fuh...meremang bulu roma. Hehe. Lagi satu kitab yang sedang dikaji ...Riyadhus Salihin (Taman Orang-orang Saleh) yang mengumpulkan hadith-hadith yang bermanfaat dalam kehidupan seharian. Nak carik fadhilat-fadhilat amalan sumer banyak dalam kitab tu. Sila le baca. Tafsir Quran pun kawan tengah stadi jugak...especially Tafsir Fi Zilalil Quran tulisan As Syahid Syed Qutb. Kawan suka baca tafsir ni sebab bahasa dia mudah...dan banyak membincangkan bab haraki. Tafsir Ibnu Kathir best jugak tapi tinggi sangat level dia...belum termampu lagi kawan nak capai. Biar kawan abis baca Tafsir Fi Zilalil Quran ni dulu.
Semalam kawan try try cari basketball court. Dah bergoncang dah tulang-tulang sebab dah lama tak bersenam. asik cuci jamban je tak best gak. So kawan pun meronda-ronda sekitar hall yang kawan baru duduk ni. Jumpa la satu kawasan permainan budak-budak...ramai la budak-budak main kat situ. Siap ada sand pit lagi....err...apa ek dlm bahasa melayu....cam tempat berpasir utk budak-budak main pasir...konon macam kat pantai la. Lepas tu kawan nampak satu basketball court cum futsal court. On one side, budak-budak main bola, on the other side ada basketball rim. Kawan pun tunjuk la macho ngan budak-budak tu...main basketball dgn skill kawan yang ada ni. Hehehe. Sekali diorang sumer punya la peramah. Kawan dapat tiga orang kawan budak2 semalam. Igor, Nello dgn Christopher. Sumer comel-comel. Bising pulak mulut diorang. Seronok main. Diorang tak shoot, diorang pakat main passing kat kawan je. Kawan je yang tukang shoot. Kawan pun tunjuk la skill skit2. Sekali kena puji...hehehe. Diorang cakap "You're good, man!", "Nice jump!", "You can jump so high!"....hehehe. Kawan setakat mengembangkan diri je le. Kawan rasa umur diorang dalam umur budak2 darjah satu darjah dua je camtu. Teringat anak-anak sedara kawan kat Msia. Rindu pulak kat diorang....err...anak sedara yang kecik2 je ye...hehehe. Yang besar cam missapple tak masuk list. Kawan main basketball sampai dekat-dekat nak terbenam matahari. Kadang-kadang tu main kejar-kejar bola dgn diorang. Ada sekali tu kawan peluk Christopher pastu dukung dia...hehehe...sebab tak kasik dia amik bola. Rasa cam main ngan anak sedara sendiri lak. Diorang pun baik2 sumer. Masa kawan nak balik tu Christopher tu siap nak ikut kawan lak..hehehe. Kang bawak jadi adik angkat kang baru tau. Hari ni rasa cam nak main lagi...tapi tengok le...kalau penat kawan malas nak main. Nak prepare minda utk keja esok lak.
Tima kasih la kat sumer ye sebab menggalakkan lagi kawan tulis puisi. Ala...bukan hebat sangat pun...tengok lukluk balas balik tu..Fuh....macam berbalas pantun pulak. Bila kawan nak jawab balik puisi dia pun tak tau. Nanti le. Bila kawan duduk sensorang dalam bilik nanti kawan tulis lagi. Lukluk...bersedia utk round kedua...sesi berbalas puisi..hehehe.
Sebelum terlupa...kawan ada satu pantun ...tetiba je teringat pantun ni. Pemberi semangat...dan jugak susulan dari puisi di bawah ni.
Apa diharap padi seberang
Entah berisi entahkan tidak
Apa diharap kasihnya orang
Entah sudi entahkan tidak
chewah...jawab jawab jangan tak jawab. Nanti kawan menulis lagi. Hati ini makin meronta-ronta untuk mempersembahkan segala yang telah terakam dari pengalaman hidupnya yang sepi. ^_^
Wednesday, July 02, 2003
Interview proton dan puisi
Syukurku pada-Mu ya ALlah
Semalam kawan macam biasa surf internet lepas keja cleaner. Tengah boring boring surf..tiba-tiba member sebelah tanya dengan excitednye sekali, "Wei aku lepas interview proton? Ko dapat tak?" Aik, kawan pun mula rasa excited jugak. Uish best nih. Kalau dia dapat, takkan kawan tak dapat. Kawan pun cepat cepat pegi bukak e mail. Sekali tengok ada e mail dari manager HR proton tu. Kawan pun berdebar-debar jugak bukak attachment dia. Alhamdulillah...kawan punya interview aritu succesful. Tak sia sia kawan dressing macam jet li. hehe. Kawan dapat masuk second round interview..tapi kawan rasa mesti lagi susah punya. Kali ni kawan try nak prepare dulu sebelum pegi. Nanti kang terkantoi tgh2 interview susah pulak.
Petang ni kawan nak packing barang2. Ada yang nak dihantar balik msia...ada yang nak dipindahkan pegi hall yang kawan dapat masuk tu. Jenuh jugak nak packing. Kawan pasal bab pindah randah ni memang malas skit. tapi takpe le. kawan ingat nak cuti hari jemaat ni sebab khamis petang tu pindah...takut nanti penat berpindah tak abis pulak sampai ke hari jumaat. nak rest skit la. penat jadi cleaner ni sebenonya. Tapi bila dapat gaji nanti best skit kot.
Semalam kawan ada buat satu lagi puisi...tapi puisi ni agak jiwang jugak. Tapi takpe le...kawan try je post kat sini....nak tengok antum sumer komen apa..heheheh. Here goes..
wahai hati yang mengemis sepi
semadikan cinta ini dalam lipatan memori
simpul matikan ia dalam suratan abadi
kuncikan resah gelisahmu yang meronta-ronta
mimpi ini bakal berakhir tak lama lagi
sedarlah kamu wahai hati yang mengemis
andai esok bakal kita lewati
mungkin...hanya mungkin
ada lagi bibit bibit kasih
yang menitis
dari hati kekasihmu yang kau tagih
selama ini
namun esok dan esok lagi
hanya mimpi yang bakal menghanyutkan
mendamparkan kau di persada derita
wahai hati yang merintis sayu
apa mungkin ada lagi peluang buatmu
atau matimu dibelenggu
rindu yang bertaut sendu....
amacam...ok dak? kawan ada lagi satu puisi.....tapi lum siap...tak tau bila nak siapnye...esok kawan nak pindah....lagi la busy...tunggu weekend la yek...nanti kawan tulis puisi jiwang maut lagi.
Semalam kawan macam biasa surf internet lepas keja cleaner. Tengah boring boring surf..tiba-tiba member sebelah tanya dengan excitednye sekali, "Wei aku lepas interview proton? Ko dapat tak?" Aik, kawan pun mula rasa excited jugak. Uish best nih. Kalau dia dapat, takkan kawan tak dapat. Kawan pun cepat cepat pegi bukak e mail. Sekali tengok ada e mail dari manager HR proton tu. Kawan pun berdebar-debar jugak bukak attachment dia. Alhamdulillah...kawan punya interview aritu succesful. Tak sia sia kawan dressing macam jet li. hehe. Kawan dapat masuk second round interview..tapi kawan rasa mesti lagi susah punya. Kali ni kawan try nak prepare dulu sebelum pegi. Nanti kang terkantoi tgh2 interview susah pulak.
Petang ni kawan nak packing barang2. Ada yang nak dihantar balik msia...ada yang nak dipindahkan pegi hall yang kawan dapat masuk tu. Jenuh jugak nak packing. Kawan pasal bab pindah randah ni memang malas skit. tapi takpe le. kawan ingat nak cuti hari jemaat ni sebab khamis petang tu pindah...takut nanti penat berpindah tak abis pulak sampai ke hari jumaat. nak rest skit la. penat jadi cleaner ni sebenonya. Tapi bila dapat gaji nanti best skit kot.
Semalam kawan ada buat satu lagi puisi...tapi puisi ni agak jiwang jugak. Tapi takpe le...kawan try je post kat sini....nak tengok antum sumer komen apa..heheheh. Here goes..
wahai hati yang mengemis sepi
semadikan cinta ini dalam lipatan memori
simpul matikan ia dalam suratan abadi
kuncikan resah gelisahmu yang meronta-ronta
mimpi ini bakal berakhir tak lama lagi
sedarlah kamu wahai hati yang mengemis
andai esok bakal kita lewati
mungkin...hanya mungkin
ada lagi bibit bibit kasih
yang menitis
dari hati kekasihmu yang kau tagih
selama ini
namun esok dan esok lagi
hanya mimpi yang bakal menghanyutkan
mendamparkan kau di persada derita
wahai hati yang merintis sayu
apa mungkin ada lagi peluang buatmu
atau matimu dibelenggu
rindu yang bertaut sendu....
amacam...ok dak? kawan ada lagi satu puisi.....tapi lum siap...tak tau bila nak siapnye...esok kawan nak pindah....lagi la busy...tunggu weekend la yek...nanti kawan tulis puisi jiwang maut lagi.
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