Monday, September 01, 2003

story of my life

The past 48 hours have been the most heart-pounding, nerve-wrecking moments of my life. Life sure is tough (baru tau). A bit depressed, shocked, feeling down but managed to get thru it with ALlah's help and will. Thanks for all who've been supporting me, including friends and family. kesian kat missapple, ngantuk2 pun kena tulis e mail ye. But like my brother said

Don't worry. It's a storm in a cup anyway. We need varieties in life and add colours to it

Sorry for keeping everybody worried. Ada sandiwara la pulak weekend lepas. Takpe takpe. Semuanya mengajar diri menjadi lebih tough dan teguh dalam pendirian.

Pengumuman skit. Abuhandzalah akan pulang ke Malaysia insyaALlah minggu ni atau minggu depan. so kalau tak selalu update tu jgn marah aa. internet kat msia lembab skit sbb kat rumah takde broadband. Ada urusan yang perlu diselesaikan secepat mungkin.

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