Sunday, September 07, 2003


Hari ni last day kawan keja as a cleaner. Ditegur tadi oleh makcik cleaner...

Makcik Cleaner (mc) : So today is your last day?
Kawan (k) : yeah
mc: Oh, I'm gonna miss my friend so much. It's hard to find a good person like you
k : (senyum). I'm gonna miss you lot as well. It's been a nice summer for me.
mc: Are you coming tomorrow?
k : Maybe. I've to give my resignation letter and return my uniform
mc: ok ahmad, if i don't see you, good luck in your life. Remember, make a choice in your life at your own will. Learn to make a choice yourself. Listen to your heart. You're a man now, you've got a future to think about, your family, your have to make the choice yourself. You're not a boy, you're not a child anymore, you're a graduate, you're a grown man, learn to become a man.

SubhanaLlah. Rupanya makcik cleaner ni ALlah datangkan utk bagitau kawan benda yang kawan nak dengar selama ni. ALlah has already answered my prayer rupanya

mc : Make a careful choice of your future wife. I've told you before, men can go down because of their wives, men can become nobody because of their wives. Remember to choose a good wife for you and your family.

mc: It's been a great time working with you. I hope I can see you again in the future. Maybe I'm coming to Malaysia to visit my friends. Maybe I can see you there.
k: Nice meeting you too. Hopefully we can meet again someday...and maybe at that time, I'll show you my good wife that I chose. (senyum)

Pesanan terakhir dari makcik cleaner. SubhanaLlah. Memang ALlah menjawab segala permintaan dan persoalan kita....we only have to ask and pray. Sebagaimana yang seseorang pernah katakan pada kawan

"selalu kita mintak ALlah tunjuk kita terang2, sbb takutla kita ni rabun, bila terlalu terang, kita takut silau....mengada2" ^_^

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